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Paridhi's POV

The next morning the palace was so chaotic that if I didn't know what it was for I would've thought something happened.

By the time I got fresh and went downstairs everyone was on tenterhooks. Seeing Ananya bhabhi beside the florist, I walked to her "Good morning bhabhs"
"Oh morning pari, you woke up? How's your jetlag. " Reminding the florist to deliver the flowers on time she sat beside me. One benifit of living in a palace, you can sit anywhere, everywhere has chairs and cushions placed for you. I'm not kidding.

"Better than last time. "

"That's good. Shall I ask the kitchen to bring you breakfast. "

"Nah I'll go there myself. "
"Alright." Leaning on the sofa she looked tired.

"So when's the big day. " It's Vinayak bhai's coronation. Yes my dad decided to retire and place this responsibility on my brother who can't even handle his own children. I have no idea how he'll manage a kingdom. Whatever he was groomed for this and finally it's his time. Maa sounded so happy when she announced this news to me. It made me realise she was getting old. Being a queen and all it took a toll on her. Especially after being a grandmother, she wanted to retire when Daiwik was born but dad, bhai and bhabhi all thought that bhai wasn't ready. Even bhabhi wasn't to take on a role that meant more than a crown princess consort. So mom and dad told them to take their time. They took 7 years, participating in meetings, court sessions everything and bit by bit they were ready. And now soon they'll be the KING AND QUEEN OF CHITTORGARH.

"3 weeks from now. "

"Ah, I thought we had time. "
" It was later but Guruji had to leave so it was preponed. " Our family's Guruji is the one who initiates the ceremony, so it's necessary to have him.

"Shit, you guys must me so busy. "
"We are pari. Thanks for realising so soon. "

We were talking about some details when parthiv started crying.
"Oh no, he's awake. " Bhabhi said as if it took all her strength.
"Why don't I play with him. "

Her eyes lit up at the idea.
"Sure, go ahead. Remember to have you breakfast. " And by the glint in her eyes I knew I was in for a trouble. I mean parthiv has never even seen me in reality, how am I gonna play with him. But I knew this was my punishment, so I did it.

At dinner everyone was deadbeat, even dad

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At dinner everyone was deadbeat, even dad. He had so much work now that it was time for the succession. And maa she doesn't want anything to go awry, so she's doing everything by herself. Vinnie bhai was with dad the whole day and Hridh bhai at the company completing work that's weeks ahead to have no trouble during the big day itself. Children were already asleep. The older ones had school today so they slept after finishing their homework, while the youngest was tired from playing the whole day.

"How was your day pari? " Dad started. Like seriously this is him. I'm the one who did the least work today and still it's me who he thinks is the most tired. Bhai used to get so mad at him for this.

"It was good papa. "

"I heard you were with parthiv all day. " Maa said and at this all eyes we're on me.

"Yeah, he liked me a lot to leave me alone. "
'Haha' a small laugh escaped from everyone.
"What? Really he likes me. "

"We know he does pari. "
'Oh I love you bhabhi'

" Pari listen, " Hridhaan bhai called,
"Yes bhai"
"Come with me from tomorrow. Help me and Nandini in the office. "
"Oh alright. " That's good too, I was really gonna get bored here all day. It's not like they're gonna let me do anything at home.

"Hridhaan, atleast let her rest for some days. " Lokks like maa didn't like that. And from the look on dad's face he feels the same. But it's my bhai you're talking about, how can he not do what he said. "Maa, you know her. She can't stay idle for long. " He was right and she knew it. Conceding to both bhai's word and my eyes she said,

"Alright. But three of you have to be home by 5 everyday. "
"Deal." Bhai was too happy to oblige.
The happiest at the table was Nandini bhabhi as I'll be with her ans she love me. Everyone does. Okay. And the least happy one was Ananya bhabhi as she won't have any more time to torment me. Yeah it was torture today. But I like it.

After dinner, "Hridhaan." Dad called
"Yes dad. "
"See her progress too. "
I'm dead. And hridh bhai confirmed it. "Of course. "
And I'm officially screwed and the only people happy at my misfortune were Hridh bhai and Ananya bhabhi.

Two and half weeks later.

It's been around 18 days since dad gave my death sentence. I know I'm being dramatic, but who fights with a sword nowadays. Yes, this is the progress Hridh was to oversee. According to dad a preson should know self defense, especially if you're a girl and a royalty. It's not like they let me go anywhere without a trail of gaurds. But still precautions. You can't depend on someone else. So okay, self defense is good. I learned everything thing he said, karate, tarkwondo, even boxing bit I really don't like swords. I prefer guns. But according to dad it's our legacy and we have to see that it remains so. I even like fencing more than that. It's not that I'm bad at it but why do it. I have a gun with me for God's sake amd can't like carry a sword with me wherever I go.

Now that Vinnie bhai's coronation is just 4 days ahead, we've stopped going to the company. So my day goes with practise and with the children. No one has time for the poor souls except their bua.

I had just put parthiv to sleep when maa called me, "Pari"
"Yes maa. "

"Come here. Have you selected your dress. " Sitting beside her on the chair

"Not now, I'll do it. And It's not like it's my coronation, it's Vinnie bhai's. " I totally forgot about it.

"It's your brother's. And stop calling him Vinnie, he's going to be a king now. "
"So what, he's still my Vinnie bhai. " Just as it looked like maa was going to say something more a voice interrupted her, "She's right. I am. "
"You both.. Do as you wish. But remind her to select a dress or I'll do it. " She left her chair as she said and and we both replied her at the same time.
"Okay okay. "

No idea what was wrong with bhai, he took my hand in his and knelt before me, "So gudiya, always remember what you said okay. "
"What? " Who knows how many things I say.

"That I'm always your Vinnie bhai. " Oh my bhai was getting emotional.
"Don't worry bhai. If your gonna be the king then i am also am being the King's sister. " And that lit his eyes up.
"Of course you are. " And as he sat beside me we spent the evening talking about our childhood.

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