At the market, everything sold is grown and raised by farmers themselves, which is fresh and has local characteristics.

If you see dried apricots, buy a big bag, if you see red dates, buy a big bag, and if you see someone selling beef jerky, buy another bag.

As they walked, the basket in Jiang Shengnan's hand became more and more full, and Cen Huai'an's pockets were also bulging with food.

He stopped looking at the vendors and concentrated on eating the dried fruits and dried meats in his pockets.

"Mutton kebabs! Delicious and inexpensive mutton kebabs!"

I don't know when, Chu Xia and they walked to the area where cooked food was sold in the market, and her sharp ears heard the sound of mutton skewers being sold.

Turning around, she saw a middle-aged man grilling mutton skewers on a stove. She could already smell the aroma of the mutton skewers.

"Mom, I'm going to buy some mutton skewers. You can hold An'an in check."

How could Jiang Shengnan let Chu Xia spend money? He immediately said, "I'll buy it. How many skewers will you eat?"

Chu Xia wanted to eat it himself, so he put Cen Huai'an into Jiang Sheng's arms and said, "I'll just go."

Then he quickly squeezed through the crowd.

Grilling mutton skewers takes time. I ordered 20 skewers in early summer and received two more skewers as a gift, which made the wait even longer.

Jiang Shengnan and Cen Huai'an squeezed over: "How much does this mutton skewer cost? Did you pay for it in Chuxia? I didn't."

"I gave it, no need, Mom."

In fact, mutton skewers are much cheaper now than in later generations. Large skewers cost 2 cents and small skewers cost 1 cent. She ordered ten large skewers and ten small skewers, which cost three yuan in total.

The grilled mutton skewers are particularly fragrant. Sprinkle some cumin or other seasonings on them. There is no mutton smell. Take a bite and it will be tender, delicious and rich in fragrance.

Eating mutton skewers in early summer finally satisfied my craving.

Cen Huaian and Jiang Shengnan each took a bunch of food and ate it, and the three of them looked satisfied.

This is something Cen Huai'an has never tasted before. After eating one bunch, I still want to eat it. I just can't get enough.

However, eating too much can easily cause you to get angry, so after the three people she bought in early summer finished eating, she stopped buying them.

Then Jiang Shengnan bought more chickens, ducks, geese, beef and pork. He couldn't get more than he bought, so he agreed to have them delivered to his home.

These are all families that Jiang Shengnan is familiar with. They know each other, and it is common for them to give gifts to the troops. Moreover, sometimes the gifts are not given to her family, but to the family members of the troops together.

It's not enough to just buy meat, you also have to buy some vegetables. But the northwest has less green vegetables, and cabbage, spicy radish, and potatoes are the most popular.

There are not many greenhouse vegetables at the moment, and other places in the northern region also have the same kind of vegetables, and there is a lack of green vegetables.

In early summer, in order to eat vegetables in the winter, I planted some garlic seedlings, leeks, and Chinese cabbage in the house, and also cooked some leeks.

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