Put the Pieces Back Together

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"Elliot, get out of bed. It's your sister's joining ceremony," my mother's voice calls out, breaking through the haze of my restless sleep.

"No," I groan, burying my face deeper into the pillow, desperately wanting to be left alone. "Let me sleep."

But sleep evades me, just like happiness does. It's been weeks since the Luna's Ball, the night that shattered my world into a million broken pieces. Every waking moment, Hunter's face haunts my thoughts, the image of his disbelief when Danica announced that she was pregnant with his child. My heart had shattered right alongside my dreams.

How could my destined mate have already formed a family without me, before we had ever met? The knowledge that they had been in a serious relationship was a bitter pill to swallow, but I never expected that Hunter would tear my heart apart in this way. We had agreed to take things slow once we discovered we were mates, but I never anticipated this kind of devastation.

With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly push myself up from the bed, my emotions a tangled mess inside me. I stumble toward the mirror, catching a glimpse of my disheveled appearance. My eyes, once bright with hope, now reflect a pain that seems impossible to overcome. How am I supposed to face the joining ceremony, the celebration of love and unity, when my heart feels so broken?

I look at the clock and inwardly groan. It's 5:30 in the evening, if I don't leave my room soon.  I'm going to be late.  I slip into the delicate pink gown and brush my hair.

I look like hell, but this will have to do.

Summoning all the strength I can muster, I take a deep breath and force myself to step into the light of day. Today is not about my pain; it's about my sister's happiness. I need to put on a brave face and support her, even if my own heart feels like it's crumbling.

My steps are quick as I head down the stairs in a flurry of heels and silk. The pack house is full of guests as well as our own pack members. I don't feel like playing nice, so I approach the front where the ceremony will take place and find a chair.

I study my hands like they're the most interesting thing in the room. My senses are in high alert as I feel eyes weighing on me. I'm sure the be center of the gossip mill.

Poor Elliot— all alone. Left by her own mate. She was too young to be his Luna, so they found a replacement. I can hear the hypothetical conversations in my mind.

Suddenly, a figure approaches and takes a seat right next to me. "Hey El." The voice quirks before warmth envelopes me. A long arm is draped over my shoulder, and I turn to see who has invaded my personal space.

"What—- why are you here?" I whisper shout when I see it Nixon sitting next to me.

"Well aren't you just the most lovely thing in the room."

"Save it." I say pushing him, and he flinches as if I've hurt him.

"Please—- tell me what you are doing here." 

And for a moment I consider that he might not be the only member of the Havoc pack in attendance. 

He registers my sudden fear and takes my hand. 

"I thought you might like a date to your sister's joining ceremony and honestly I had planned to crash it anyway-sooooo."
I nod in understanding as relief washes over me. 

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