Chapter 131

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By the touch alone, one could tell that this was no ordinary parchment scroll. It seemed to have undergone some sort of special treatment, rendering it remarkably resistant to damage. Gently unfurling the scroll revealed a series of intricate patterns, not merely painted on but meticulously stitched with resilient threads of varying colors. The entire design resembled a gigantic apple, so lifelike that it created an illusion of wanting to take a bite.

In an instant, Zhou Yi felt a stirring in his heart. He held the parchment scroll above his head, studying it intently. Within the lush green exterior of the apple-shaped pattern lay a round white flesh, and at the core of that flesh, a peach-shaped red heart. Under the sunlight, this red heart displayed a peculiar transparency.

His palm grazed the surface of the parchment scroll, and he sensed an aura of profound antiquity, as if it had weathered a thousand years. Deep down, he knew that this creation was not crafted by Lv xinwen but rather discovered from some distant place. The history of this parchment scroll must be extensive, yet there was no sign of wear on the sheepskin, and the colors of the stitched lines remained vibrant, as if they had been freshly embroidered.

A peculiar notion suddenly arose in his mind, and after a brief hesitation, he lightly clasped the corner of the map, applying a bit more force as he gently pulled.

However, the result of his pull was far beyond his expectations. It simply would not budge. He applied a bit more force, but the outcome remained unchanged. Eventually, Zhou Yi dared not exert any further strength. Nevertheless, the experience he just had made him realize that the durability of this object far surpassed his imagination. If it had fallen into the hands of an ordinary person, it would likely be indestructible.

At this point, one thing was certain—the origin of this map was extraordinary. He then recalled the words spoken by Lv xinwen before his death, mentioning the numerous mechanisms in that underground cavern that even himself couldn't decipher. This only deepened his curiosity.

Lv xinwen was a formidable innate expert. Could there be mechanisms capable of trapping or hindering someone of such caliber? It was truly peculiar.

In his heart, a strong desire surged, as if urging him to immediately seek out that underground cavern and explore what mechanisms lay within that even innate experts feared.

His gaze swept over the map once again, and his brows furrowed tightly.

The embroidered terrain on the map was unfamiliar to him. This did not surprise him, for the continent was vast and diverse. Not even he could claim to be familiar with every location.

Several key places on the map were accompanied by stitched words, indicating the names of those locations. However, the problem was that while others might recognize those characters, Zhou Yi himself did not. These peculiar script styles were something he had never encountered before.

After considering for a moment, Zhou Yi carefully tucked away the map. It was not something suitable for others to see, and as for the directions within, he would search for them slowly.

Although these characters were difficult to understand, in the vastness of the world, surely there would be someone who could recognize them. Otherwise, Lv xinwen wouldn't have entrusted it so confidently to Fan Haori, as he believed that Fan Haori could easily decipher it.

If that were the case, even if these characters were not widely known, there must be some who were familiar with them. Adjusting his emotions, Zhou Yi turned and left.

When he came, he was cautious and discreet, tracing Lv xinwen's steps. But now, on his way back, he had fewer worries. Once he unleashed his speed, his body became like flowing clouds, propelled by the power of the wind, swiftly heading towards the Yuan Family Manor at a speed far surpassing that of an ordinary person.

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