Chapter 27

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Misa and I went downstairs ready to go. Today was the day Misa would be shooting a movie, that was exciting. L took the key and unlocked Misa and I from our handcuffs. We were finally apart from each other...for the time being.

"Can I please come!!"
"Pleaseeee!!!!" Matsuda begged until L finally let him come with Misa and I, which wasn't bad, we followed Watari to the car and were off to the shoot. Once we got there I found myself glad to have Matsuda with me, he was funny and knew how to start a conversation, I answered a lot of his questions and his eyes were glued to Misa, there was no chance she'd be caught doing anything with him around.

" you mind watching her while I find the restroom?" I asked "Of course! I don't mind!" I smiled and pat his head before standing up from my seat. I went to the nearest building I could find and went to the front desk. There was a lady but she didn't look too interested in her job. She had headphones in and you could hear her music through them, I showed a smile and tried to ask her anyways "Hi! Could you tell me where the bathrooms are?" She rolled her eyes and pointed at the elevators, I don't think she understood what I said, I nodded and made my way to the elevators "Well this makes things difficult.." I pressed number 7 on the elevator, lucky number seven was going to take me to my bathroom. The elevator doors opened and I stepped out before looking around, walking past the rooms. "Hm.. if I were a bathroom where would I b-" I stood in my tracks, the word Kira had came from one of the doors. I slowly walked closer to it and leaned my ear against the door trying to listening into what they were saying. It was a group of people, all men it sounded like. They were going into detail about the Kira investigation. Were they trying to figure out who Kira was as well? That was until I figured it out, they were trying to find people to kill for Kira! My eyes widened and a small gasped escaped my mouth. I needed to notify the task force, but when I pulled out my phone I was met with the floor as the door I was leaning on opened and I fell face first.

"OUCH!" In realization I quickly got onto my knees. The men looked down at me. "What's a pretty lady like you doing here?.." one of the men said, by his face I could already tell. This wasn't just any man, but the head business man in the Yotsuba group, did they know I was listening in? I quickly pulled out a photo card of Misa and my fake identity L had made for me to convince people I was her manager. While digging in my pocket I pressed the emergency button on my belt buckle, alerting L I was in trouble. "Sorry to drop in! I was here to offer an exclusive collaboration with the one an only pop star Misa Misa!" I put on a smile and stood up adjusting myself. "See, Misa is amazingly beautiful and can help your business sky rocket just by her being shown in it! Whadda ya say!!" I sounded so cheesy, but the men seemed to like the appeal. They took my card and told me to send her up I nodded and called Misa.

MISA POV~This kissing scene was hard! Why would they make me kiss someone when I have a boyfriend! At that moment I heard my phone ring

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This kissing scene was hard! Why would they make me kiss someone when I have a boyfriend! At that moment I heard my phone ring. "Let's take five!!" The annoyed director yelled. I went to my phone and answered "Hellooo!" I said
"Hello Misa are you there?" Y/N asked
"I was wondering if you could stop by, bring some friends! Yotsuba is having a collaboration with you to help your business, I just set it up! Get down here as soon as you can! Thank you!" Y/N hung up. I was confused, I went up to Matsu and tapped his shoulder. "I guess I have a collaboration with Yotsuba?" Matsuda looked shocked and before he could speak back to me I was pulled away by the director himself. I sighed and continued filming for the movie.

L POV~ While looking at all we've covered so far I and everyone else on the task force had gotten a notification from Y/N belt

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While looking at all we've covered so far I and everyone else on the task force had gotten a notification from Y/N belt. Without a minute later Matsuda called, I quickly answered. "What happened is Y/N okay?!"
"I think she may be in trouble! She just called Misa to say she had an collaboration with Yotsuba! Do something quick I think she might get hurt!" And with that I hung up. I immediately called Y/N.

"Hello?" She said "Hey! What's up! This is Asahi, are you busy right now? Let's go out tonight." Her voice fell silent hopefully she figured out it was me. "Sorry I can't tonight.."
"Awe that sucks! Your wallet in TROUBLE again?" She paused again, her voice sounded a lot more clearer than before "Yes yes! I'm having big money troubles! We'll have to go some other time!" I smiled she caught on well. "Alright I'll drag you out some other time." I hung up the phone and looked over at light. "I think you should call Misa and tell her the situation we need a planned party for the Yotsuba advertising right now!" Light nodded and called Misa

"So is that your little boyfriend?" One of the men said. "No no just a friend, we party a little too much." I let out a small laugh. The men smirked hearing me say that. I looked down at Misa's business card. "Misa should be here soon.." I hoped, their eyes were darted at me as if they knew I knew something. I hope L could get me out of this..

"Oh give the girl some space, you're gonna scare her off!" The lady in the shadows said. I was confused, who was this lady? I looked back up towards the men before looking at the dark long hallway. The lights flickered on and illuminated it, the strange woman had revealed herself. My eyes widened more than I ever thought they could, and a gasp escaped from my mouth. I stood up and faced her head on.


If you forgot who Linda was you can either wait to find out orrr go back from this chapter and find where she appears from!! Until next time :)

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