Episode 62: take back liberty cuty! The move into las santos!

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Kai looks at Santiago "let's go" li said as they got up shooting the seven guards out front as the other Marauders follow behind kai and Santiago, Kai kicks down the front gate as marauders swarm into the com bound shooting lost mc bikers Kai jumps over the hood of a tinted truck as he shoots a biker in the throat.

Ian looks around "go go go!" Ian yelled as the lost mc rushes out of the building "LETS GO BOWLING AYE" Roman said still tripping balls over being drugged "damn it cousin snap out of it" Nico said and rolled his eyes.

Kai and Santiago shoot the bikers that rushed out of the room as Kai and Santiago walk into the room "wassup cracker" Santiago said "oh a wetback huh?" Ian said "don't call me that" Santiago pointed the shotgun at Ian's head a bunch of lost bikers surround Kai and Santiago "we have you surrounded now, best stay back" Ian laughed out "nah your surrounded, we have bikers outside this place just itching to light this bitch up" Kai laughed out.

"Prove it" Ian said "alright boys light em up!" Santiago says over the radio as kai and Santiago take cover .
Marauders outside stsrt firing the guns from the outside as bullets fly around inside killing pretty much the entire lost mc bikers expect Ian who also took cover.
Once firing stopped kai jumps up and licks Ian in the face hard knocking a tooth out.
Santiago grabs onto Ian's back and slams him into the wall as Kai runs over and kicks Ian in the balls hard "HOLY SHIT DID I JUST CRACK A NUT!" Kai shouted exited "BONUS POINTS TO ME" kai laughed out as Santiago grabs a wrench and slams it agaisnt his crotch "ooh there goes the second" Santiago laughed as Ian held his crotch crying out "aww look he's crying" Kai taunts as Santiago bashes the wench into his head cracking his skull wide open.

-las santos-

Josh Derrick and Tommy arrived and took in the fresh air "the airs always so different here" josh said and smiled softly "remember we ain't here to vacation, we're taking the lost out once and for all" Derrick said and looked at josh. "I know" josh said.

-sons of vercetti old clubhouse-

Kevin sat down on the president chair and looked at his bikers "let's raise some hell huh?" Kevin said with a smirk "they should be here any moment" a biker said as Kevin nods "yes yes they will" Kevin threw a huge knife at the biker which pierced through his head as blood splatters everywhere.

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