Ch. 6 Avatar in training... lol

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Lol, so my writing style may vary just giving you a heads up. I'm just trying something new. Anyways, here's a new chapter. Also I've been debating on whether there should be more love interests besides Mako and I'm like YES that would make the story sooooo much more interesting. So I'm probably going to change the book title. I'm so excited for this because I have some major relationships I want to develop. Comment if you have a request for a love interest. 💕

"Introducing; the fire ferrets" the announcer exclaims, light shining onto the said team as they made their way towards the platform.

You and Korra watched from the sidelines in anticipation for the match. You watched as the first round was won by the tiger-dillos. To you the way the pro benders moved was incredible. Although you've always been light on your feet, you've never bent like this. The second round looked really promising, and you admit that Bolin and the jerk *cough* Mako *cough* were pretty good at bending. You could say the same for the other dude on their team as well.

In the final round, the other dude bumped straight into Bolin causing them to both be sitting turtle ducks and knocked over into the water. It was just Mako now as he dodged attacks from the opponents. To the left side of you, Korra started pulling the sides of her hair afraid they might lose. You smacked the back of her head.

"HEY, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Korra angrily pouted as you smiled and giggled at her.

"Don't be worried Korra. You believe in them don't you." You asked the girl and in reply nodded, "then there's nothing to worry about and I'm sure Mako has a trick up his sleeve." You explained calming the anxious girl. "I guess your right." Korra smiles taking your hand and interlocking it with hers causing a slight blush on your cheeks at the touch. "What would I do with out you." Korra chuckles, you laughing with her. "Probably die of boredom without your best friend." You both looked back at the match in front of you as Mako effectively knocks each player off the platform.

You watched in amazement as Mako fights with such power, winning the whole game for his team. The crowd cheers and claps for the group.

"WOHOOOO, YES. One more win and we're in the championship tournament." Bolin cheers then snapping his fingers. "So what'd you think, you guys." Bolin takes off his helmet trying to look cool.

"What do WE think? What did WE think! That was amazing." Korra takes Bolin by the collar then shoving him away. You rushed over to Bolin, helping him up off the floor. Chucking you said, "Sorry about Korra, she was just really hyped."

"No worries, (y/n). I'm just glad you guys enjoyed the match." Bolin smiles while you reciprocate the smile back at him.

"Get off my case, pal." The dude grumbles, throwing his helmet on the floor then walking out the door. "Useless." You frowned at what Mako said about his teammate. He doesn't seem like the type of person to encourage people.

"You guys were incredible out there. Especially you, Mr.hat trick, just like (y/n) said." Korra compliments trying to be friendly. "Korra's right that was really a match out there." You agreed.

"Oh, you guys are still here?" Mako rudely comments turning away from us to his locker. "Oh, you're still a jerk?" You reply in a snarky tone, not like ping the way he's been treating you and Korra. "Anywaayy," Korra starts taking your hand in hers. "I've been immersed in bending my entire life, but I never learned to move like that. I-It's like there's a whole new style here."

At the thought, you asked, "Think you could show us a few tricks?" "Absoooolutely"

"Right now? Come on, Bolin" "Just ignore him. Yeah, I could show you guys the basics," Bolin says, "I'm just not sure how my earthbending would translate to your water bending, but we'll figure it out."

Korra lets go of your hand and crosses her arms with a smug look on her face, "Won't be a problem, I'm actually an earth bender." Bolin looks at her in confusion before apologizing, "I'm sorry, no, no. I didn't mean to assume. 'Cause I- you know, I was just figuring- with your water tribe getup, that you are a water tribe gal." Holding your hands behind your back while moving Side to side you replied,"Nope, you're right. She's a water bender and a fire bender."

Boiln thinks for a moment "Mm. Mm-mmm. I'm very confused right now." Mako speaks up, realizing what you a Korra we're trying to get to, "you're the avatar, and I'm an idiot." "Both are true" Korra says confirming what Mako said.

"No way. The avatar!" Bolin whispers to his brother while pointing at Korra.


"Alright, let's see what you got." With that, Korra takes two disks, launching them towards to net. "That was great, good power. But in a real match you'd be a sitting turtle duck." Bolin explains, "not so upright and flat footed. Stay light on your toes, right up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike. Then POP POP!" Launching two disks with such power as they fly all the way to the net.

'I was right, even then bending style is different it's still a very effective way to use bending."

"Okay, let me try again." Korra responds, replicating Bolin's stance then launching the disks towards the net. "WOW, nice adjustment. You're a natural at this."

"Ok, (y/n) your turn, but I don't know how you would incorporate earth bending into water bending?" Bolin questioned. "Don't worry about it." You smirked, gathering water from the tank and picked up the disks. In the water, floated the disks as you positioned yourself then launched the disks with the water towards  the net with such power, surprising the three.

"Oh my god, (y/n). That's so cool how you used water bending to use the disks!" Bolin exclaimed. "We'll, I have been studying different kinds of bending styles to try and incorporate in my style." You smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head. "Not bad." Spoke Mako, leaning against stairs.

"What does it take to impress this guy." Korra  asked. "What? I said 'not bad'." He replied with you guys looking at him with a non-impressed look. "You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm going to turn in. You kids have fun." Mako walks away trying to act cool. "By the way, nice to meet you Avatar Korra, (y/n)."

"I guess it was ok meeting you." You spoke out.

"See you upstairs, bro." "Upstairs?"

"You guys live here?" You asked Bolin. "Yep, in the attic. It's nothing fancy, but we have some great views. So back to bending." Bolin says, "why don't you both throw those combos one more time?"


You watched as Korra tried to force her way through the spinning doors. In the end she ended up ruining the relic with her fire bending. To the right of you, Tenzin started in disbelief. "That was a 2,000 year old historical treasure. What- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"


You tried to reason with the girl, "You can't force this, Korra. You just need to listen to Tenzin-" "I HAVE BEEN, but you know what I think? Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe the reason I haven't learned air bending yet is because Tenzin is a terrible teacher." Korra argued, pointing at the said man.

"Korra, you just need to wai-" you spoke, reaching out to her as she walked away. "NO, (Y/N). YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BEING THE AVATAR. YOU'RE NOT EVEN A MASTER AT AIR BENDING YET SO YOU WOULD KNOW NOTHING ON HOW TO HELP ME!" Korra stormed off, leaving you hurt.


Tears built up in your eyes at the hurtful words she said to you. "Yeah, you're a terrible teacher, daddy." Meelo says, going towards the broke wood then throwing them in the air. "WAHH AHHHHHHHH!"  Jinora and Ikki hug their father then go over to console you.

Well that was pretty interesting don't you think.
1421 words

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