Ch. 3 Reunion

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(A/n): Ok, so I don't know Korra's age when she was a little kid but I'm assuming she was 5 years old.


12 years later

(Y/N)'s POV
"Nice work (Y/n)." Tenzin compliments seeing me progress though the spinning gates like a leaf.

I smile Tenzin thinking that wasn't very hard considering I've been training since I was 5.

"Now for our next lesson, I want you to air bend the to lift me off the ground" Tenzin explains.

My eyes widen upon hearing this. 'How am I going to lift a grown person into the air?!!'

I take a deep breath as I gather my posture and get into position. With all the energy, I gather the surrounding air around Tenzin (ofc leaving air for him to breath) as I concentrate to focus all that air underneath Tenzin to lift him in the air.

Unfortunately, we I controlled the air to go up. Tenzin never moved an inch as his clothes rippled caused by the air. I frowned as I could see I didn't move Tenzin in the air.

"That's alright (Y/n). We just started this lesson, so you wouldn't get it right away." Tenzin says.

"You're right Tenzin, but that also means I have to train harder to do that." I say as Tenzin nodded his head.

"Yes and as you know I'll be leaving in a few days to train Avatar Korra." Tenzin explains.

"Oh yes, I remember Korra. I wonder how she's doing" I say glancing at Tenzin.

"(Y/n) you have to stay here and train while I'm away." Tenzin says strictly crossing his arms. "While you train work on your new lesson and remember focus and breath."

"Ok ok, I get get it. I've already mastered water so air should be a piece of cake to master." I say confidently.

"As you should."

A few days later

"Bye Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Pema. Have a safe trip!!!" I shout as a Tenzin's sky bison, Oggi, flies further and further off into the distance.

Tenzin's POV      (You never expected that did you 😏)
After some time, my family and I finally arrived at the South Pole. "Yes Ikki. As I've been telling you for the last 15 minutes we are finally here." I say tiredly a the kids get off Oggi.

I see mother stand with her Southern Pole clothes and a coat. I walk toward her as the kids follow. " Hello mother. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you... Please help me." I plead to mother as she takes Meelo off my shoulders.

Mother laughs warmly as Meelo struggles in her grasp. "Unhand me strange woman." He shouts.

"That your grandmother, Meelo." I explain.

Meelo pushes off mother, surprising her, doing a somersault over her head, landing on the ground behind her before quickly dashing away. "It's so good to see all of you." Mother smiles.

Jinora then walks up to her and asks, "Gran Gran, I've been reading all about your old adventures. I've been dying to ask you, What happened to Zuko's mom?"

Mother then replies, "Well, Jinora, it's an incredible tale-", but gets interrupted by Ikki.

"Gran Gran, you look old. How old are you? And why is it so cold in the South Pole?" Can we make a campfire, and all huddle around it, and tell scary stories, and make snowmen?"

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