Ch. 7 Pro Bending can be a teacher too

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It was dinner, as everyone sat around the table waiting for food. "Okay, everyone here?" Pema walks in the room with a tray of food. "Wait, where's Korra?" You obviously knew where Korra was but you were still pretty sad from earlier. You just wanted to help her, but you guess that she just needs a little time adjusting and she may need a different teaching style.

"Honestly, Pema, I'm at my wit's end with that girl. I-I don't know how to get through to her." Tenzin sighs in frustration.

You do admit with Korra though. Tenzin is a pretty uptight teacher when it comes to air bending. It was pretty hard for you to get the hang of things when you first started. "You must promise me that your teenage years won't be like this. Like (y/n)." Tenzin pleads his children. Jinora looks up from her book to reply, "I will make no such promises." You chuckled at her response then looked at Tenzin, gaining his attention.

"Tenzin, although Korra maybe stubborn and hot headed, she's trying her best. Perhaps she just needs a different style of teaching to help her train." You explain, Tenzin was going to speak but you cut him off. "Uh Uh Uh, let me finish. As I was saying, Korra isn't like the kids and I . She may need different kinds of techniques besides meditation and you need to be patient." You looked at the man with determined eyes, "Tonight visit the pro bending arena, just think about ok?" You had a feeling the dude wasn't going to show up tonight so Korra would fill in.

"Thank you for that (y/n). You're always helping me." Tenzin smiles at you, thankful for your help for all these years.

"Ikki! Meelo! Please you need to listen to me. Apologize to Jinora." Tenzin yells at his two kids who are running away from him. "It's not nice to prank your sister like that!" With that the two air bender kids create air scooters away from their father. Tenzin sighs in frustration and goes to look back at Jinora only to find her gone.

In a hurry, Tenzin goes to search for Jinora only to hear shouts and giggles. Following them he finds Jinora behind (y/n), who has tied Ikki and Meelo with ice. "Now that wasn't very nice to prank Jinora like that." You looked down at the two. "But (y/n), it was so funny." Ikki pouted. "Yes, Jinora didn't like that and Meelo's only a little kid. So you have to apologize, ok?"

Ikki and Meelo stared up at you. They all admired you and hoped to be like you some day and they didn't want to disappoint you. "Ok, sorry Jinora." Both kids spoke heads down. You looked behind you to look at Jinora waiting for her answer. " I guess that's alright."

"Good. Now group huuuug~" you said in a singing tone, melting the ice off the two and bring them in a hug with Jinora. They squealed and giggled as you held on tight to them. Tenzin couldn't help but smile at the interaction. He was glad you were here to be part of the family.

Flashback ends


After dinner, you snuck your way over to the arena. You made your way towards the small balcony from the other night to watch the match take place.

'Wait a minute, did that water bender just earth bend?' The announcer questioned causing the crowd to gasp in shock. 'Foul, I think?'

In the distance, you face palmed at Korra's stupidity. 'Really Korra really' In the end, they let her play in the game as long as she only bent water. From where you were standing, you could feel the frustrated auras of the other team. This was new, you've never been able to feel auras before. You guess it's probably your spiritual connection that helps you with this kind of stuff.

You watched as the opponents all targeted Korra seemingly because she's new to pro bending. She ended up getting knocked out of the rink and into the water below. You looked down and saw Tenzin arguing with Korra, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. The bell rings signaling the round was over as Korra walks off.

Round three starts and the two brothers get cornered from the continuous attacks. You watched as Tenzin was about to walk off but stopped to watch a Korra struggling to dodge the attacks and gets pushed back to zone three. Korra closed her eyes and thought back to when you were trying to teach her to be light of her feet. "Remember Korra, an air bender is always light and their feet and this may help you through those doors." Her memory of you said as you demonstrated.

Suddenly Korra opened her eyes and took your advice and started weaving through the attacks. You smiled so much that your cheeks hurt. She was finally understanding how to move. "GO KORRA!" The other players started to get tired and Mako and Bolin began to attack back pushing the opponents out of the rink.

"WHOOO-HOO!" A loud cheer came from the stands as you looked and saw Tenzin. You smirked and add sure to take note that he was enjoying the match.

'The fire ferrets come from way behind and steal the win! What an upset folks. The rookies, avatar in tow, have nabbed a place in the championship tournament! I cannot believe it!'

Cheers envelopes the arena as the three winners start celebrating. "Korra, what can I say. You really came alive in that last round. The way you dodged their attacks- you are a natural." Mako complimented. "Thanks but I can't take all the credit. Someone else taught me those moves." Korra admitted.

Soon all three of them, returned to the balcony only to be meet with a crushing hug and being lifted in the air. "GAH, (y/n). What are you doing here?" Korra shockingly asked. " I came to watch your match," you settled down the three letting them go, "Bolin was like 'POW POW' and Mako was like 'RAH TASTE MY FIRE' and Korra was dancing like ' 🕺 💃'. You really out did yourself. Now your in the championships!" You squealed in excitement unaware of the blushing faces.

"Thanks (y/n) that means a lot coming from you, but about earlier I wanted to apologize for what I said and I'm really sorry. Can you ever forgive me? " Korra sincerely says looking down at the ground. You lifted her chin to look up at you and gave her a closed eye smile. "Of course, I forgive you. I could never be mad at my best friend." You let go of her chin and looked at the other two. " Well we have to get going back to Air temple Island." You walked up to the two and rubbed their heads in a playful, but gentle manner. After you grabbed, Korra's hand and ran out the door. "See you later!" And with that off you went leaving two blushing boys.


It was dark out with the moon shining brightly as you and Korra walked over to where the air acolytes were fixing the doors. You guys stood behind Tenzin as you squeezed her hand to encourage her to talk to Tenzin. "I'm really sorry, about everything I said. I-I was really frustrated with myself, and I said ok it out on you."

"I think I also owe you an apology too. I was trying to teach you about patience, but I lost mine, but someone help realize my mistakes." Tenzin looked over at you. "No hard feelings?" "Of course not, by the way, you were really good out there tonight. You moved just like an air bender."

"Wait you stayed and watched?" Korra says in shock. " He did and he was cheering for you all the way." You snickered. "Pro bending turned out to be the perfect teaching tool for you." Tenzin smiled at Korra.

"I'll see you tomorrow for air bending practice bright and early," Korra started jogging away with you, "And, by the way, I kind of permanently joined the fire ferrets, and we're playing in the tournament in a couple of weeks." In the distance you hear Tenzin sigh, it was pretty funny.

Korra and you stared out the window enjoying the view of the pro bending arena while the stars were out. Holding hands she layed her head on your left shoulder and you layed your head on her head. In the end everything turned out to be ok.

Finally, I'm done with episode 2. Good day/night ❤️
1445 words

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