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"Harper! Baby get back here!" The sixteen-year-old puffed as she ran after her three-year-old daughter, holding a toddler dress in one hand, and Mary-Jane's and a bow in the other.

Harper Cabello giggled happily as she ran through the house in only her pull ups and undershirt, quickly jumping behind the couch in the living room and ducking down in hopes her mother wouldn't find her. She just didn't want to get dressed that morning. She giggled quietly to herself when she saw her bare feet under the couch, covering her little mouth. The little girl had a head of brown curls cascading down her back that sometimes fell into her beautiful emerald eyes. She was an exact replica of the mother she barely knew existed.

Ally strolled into the living room where she found her distressed sister calling out her niece's name. "Everything alright?" She asked as she nibbled on a piece of bacon.

Camila looked at her older sister, desperation in her eyes. "No. Harper won't get dressed and I have to take her to daycare on the way to school but she isn't cooperating and I'm going to be late." Thankfully, she herself was completely ready for school, except for her shoes. She was wearing a gray crop top and high waisted jeans that she was going to pair with her black pumps. Her hair was pulled into a side braid, secured with a bow

Ally frowned and glanced behind the couch where she saw Harper sitting with her back facing her aunt and chuckled lightly. She ate the last bit of bacon and walked over, plucking the little girl from her hiding spot, making her sister heave a sigh of relief.

Harper squealed with laughter, kicking her legs. "Look momma!" She hollered excitedly, holding her arms out. "I'm a kite!"

Camila couldn't help but smile at her adorable daughter, gathering the toddler in her arms and kissing her forehead. "Yes you are. And you're also making me late. C'mon baby. Let's get you dressed." She carried her back upstairs after thanking her sister for her help.


So far, her school day went the same. Uneventful. Except for of course seeing her every corner Camila turned. It was like she was everywhere and Camila couldn't get rid of her. Especially since she was in her history class which was where the Latina was heading now. Camila slipped in unnoticed, typical, as whoever was in the classroom was chatting away with their friends, and sat in her seat in the middle row by the window.

Camila pulled her phone out of her bag to check for any messages from Harper's daycare. Thankfully, none. The final bell rang and she put it away as the last of the students filed into the classroom. Camila caught her eye as she walked to her seat in the second row and quickly looked away and into her backpack as she pulled her history notebook and textbook out.

Lauren Jauregui slumped down in her seat and glanced back at Camila, watching secretly as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear while she turned to the page written on the board. Lauren kept watching her until she was snapped from her thoughts when her girlfriend, Kendall, sat in front of her and gave her a dazzling smile.

"Hey babe." She cooed, leaning over her desk and giving her a kiss. Kendall Jenner was the epitome of the perfect girl. With her long wavy dark brown hair that fell to her lower back and her big brown eyes, her perfectly toned body, (being on the dance and swim team, plus modeling club did that for her) and also being a straight A student, she couldn't be beat.

Lauren smiled briefly at her as their teacher walked in and told everyone to settle down and take their books out.


Halfway through the lesson, Lauren spaced out and starting sketching in the corner of her notebook, not realizing what she was drawing exactly. She ran her hand through her hair and leaned back to examine the drawing, blinking in surprise when she saw Camila's smiling face staring back at her.

"Miss Jauregui!"

Her attention was shattered from her sketch to Mr. Stevens, her history teacher. Lauren blinked at him, attempting to gather her thoughts. "Uhm.. Yes?"

Mr. Stevens sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Again, what ended in 1783?" He asked impatiently, crossing his arms.

Lauren hesitated as she covered the drawing with her arm then smiled cheekily at him. "Uh.. 1782?"

Mr. Stevens raised an eyebrow at the girl as the classroom was filled with giggles, sighing deeply. "No. The Revolutionary War. Have you paid attention to anything I've said in the past thirty minutes?" Before Lauren could respond, he continued. "No. You haven't. Listen, your grades have been dropping a lot lately. I'm going to have to assign you a tutor." He made his way over to his desk and picked up a list of his students to choose from.

Kendall's eyes lit up as she straightened up in her seat, hand shooting up into the air. "I'll do it!"

Mr. Stevens leaned against the desk and looked at her, shaking his head. "I appreciate it, Miss Jenner. But I've heard about your reputation for tutoring Miss Jauregui. They don't always end with very good results."

The tall brunette frowned and crossed her arms, defeated.

"Instead, I think I'll be choosing..." Mr. Stevens skimmed over the names and pointed at one, smiling. "Miss Cabello."

A snap was heard from said girls desk and everyone turned to look towards the sound, being met with a very shocked Camila as she stared at their teacher. Realizing everyone was looking at her, including Lauren, she blinked and took on an emotionless expression as she slowly lowered the broken in half pencil to her desk. "Me?"

Mr. Stevens smiled at her. "Yes. Is that a problem?"


Camila shrieked in her mind. But of course if she refused, Lauren would think she wanted nothing to do with her because she was still mad about what happened between them. And she wanted her to think she was over it. Even though Camila wasn't and she desperately wanted her to realize she was madly in love with the younger Cuban and came and actually did right with her.

But that wouldn't happen. Because Lauren was with Kendall and Camila was a teenage mother.

So she just smiled politely at her teacher and nodded.

"No of course not."


this is a conversion of my Jariana story, What We Keep Hidden :) Hope you guys enjoy it!!

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