Mermaids or Sirens?

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Jimmy's Perspective-

Grian looked at his friends dead in the eyes and said,

"Mermaids, Tim. Mermaids are real."

Jimmy and Joel both exchanged looks and then Joel broke the silence by laughing.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Grian, but mermaids aren't real." Joel said, smiling jokingly.

But when he saw Grian's face, his smile faded.

"They. Are. Real. I saw one. I saw one with my own two eyes."

"Grian? Are you sure you're o- "

"I'm fine. But I need you guys to believe me. Even Mrs. Walker saw it!"

"Okay, okay, calm down Grian." Joel said, pausing the game and getting up.

Grian took out his Greek Mythology book and flipped it open.

"See?" He said, pointing to the picture of a mermaid, "I saw one! They're real, Joel."

"Here, why don't I make you some tea and you can explain it to us."


"-and if it's not a mermaid, then I don't know what it is." Grian finished.

"What about the creature that you told me to look out for?" Jimmy asked.

Grian tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"You know the...the sirgo or something." Jimmy said, snapping his finger.

Grian looked confused before saying, "OH! You mean the siren?"

"Yeah!" Jimmy said, "What about that?"

Grian hummed, "I'm not sure."

Joel then handed Grian a warm cup of tea and Grian thanked him.

"Well, what are sirens?" Joel asked, joining their conversation.

"Uh- I think they're like mermaids but they sing songs that lure sailors to their death." Grian said before blowing on the tea and taking a sip.

"Do you mind if I look?" Joel asked, motioning to the book full of Greek Mythology and Grian shook his head.

"Thanks." Joel said, flipping the book open to the part about sirens.

"Let's see..." He muttered, running his finger down the pages as he scanned them, "Here. The Siren is just another word for a mermaid. They're half human, half fish who lure sailors to destruction with their melodic songs."

"But I don't think it was a siren." Grian muttered.

"What did it look like?" Jimmy asked.

"I already told you. Half human, half fish."

"But it said that a siren is just another word for a mermaid." Jimmy said.

"Yeah, but sirens are deadly." Joel pointed out.

Grian then gasped.

"I just remembered- but it might not...we have to go to the library." Grian said, getting up.

"What? Why?" Jimmy and Joel asked, following their friend.

"I saw a book the other day that was about sirens and mermaids. We have to go get it!" Grian shouted, dashing out.

Jimmy and Joel exchanged looks before shrugging and running after Grian.


Grian was looking around frantically in the Greek Mythology section, mumbling to himself.

"Need any help, dear?" The librarian asked.

"Uh- yes do you know where the books about mermaids are?" Grian asked.

Jimmy and Joel finally caught up with Grian when he was checking out three books.

They walked over to a table in the corner and put the books down.

"Alright," Grian said, sorting through them, "This should tell us all we need to know about them."

"But...they're not dangerous, right?" Jimmy asked.

Grian shook his head as he started reading.

Joel opened one of the books and flipped through it.

"Yeah, this is too long." He said, shutting it.

"Do you wanna try and figure this out, or not?" Grian asked, and Joel shrugged.

"Just not today. I'm gonna go talk to that Ethan kid and see what he thinks."

Joel got up and walked off.

Joel's Perspective-

"I think we need to get a group of kids to go down there and try and see what's up."

Joel stopped and walked towards the marine biology room.

Mrs. Walker was talking with Principal Hill inside her classroom.

He stood outside of the door, listening to what they were saying.

"Why?" Mrs. Walker asked, "Why can't we just leave it alone?"

"I feel like this is worse than you think." Principal Hill said.

"I think we should put up a sign-up sheet and let the kids who know how to dive enter. We need their help."

"But they're kids. They can't do this!"

"Those 'kids' are in their 20's. They're young and fit and know what to do, we just have to let them do it."

Mrs. Walker sighed.

"Fine. Then I guess we should start announcing this whole team thing."

"Come on, let's go to the library. Ms. Bane can help us with printing a bunch of sign-up sheets."

Joel quickly ran away from the marine biology class and watched as Mrs. Walker and Principal Hill hurriedly walked towards the library.

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