Learning The Campus

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Original idea for this story is by Disc0St1ck go check them out! I heard that they wanted to have someone else write this story a little while ago and I volunteered. I hope you enjoy!! :)

Jimmy's Perspective-

"And here's the beach! Our students love to go here for their little beach parties. We have sailboats and a sailing team. They wake up very early to practice. It's a lot of fun, you might want to try it out."

Jimmy nodded and smiled nervously.

His tour guide, Ms. Pollens, was very nice and cheerful.

She was showing him around his new school, Orange Blossom University.

"And finally, there are the dorms. Would you like some help with picking up your key?"

Jimmy shook his head, and she clapped her hands, smiling.

"Well, that's it then! Welcome to Orange Blossom University!"

Jimmy smiled weakly and she turned on her heel and left.

Jimmy walked up to the desk and waved to the man who was there.

"Hello! What's your name?"

"Er- James Darity."

The man looked at a list and nodded.

"Floor two, room 215." The man gave Jimmy a key, "Your stuff should be inside your room."

Jimmy nodded, "Thanks."

He turned around and walked towards the elevator.


Jimmy opened the door to his dorm.

He looked around.

It was small, but big enough for the three people who'd be living there.

Jimmy saw two guys chatting on the couch.

One of them had a book open on their lap.

He had light brown, messy hair, a red sweater, and black jeans on.

The other guy had brown hair that had a green streak in it. He was wearing a navy jacket and jeans.

When he saw Jimmy, he waved.

"Hey! What's your name?"

"Er- Jimmy."

"I'm Joel. And this is Grian." Joel jerked his head towards the other guy.

Grian waved nervously at Jimmy.

"Your stuff's in that room." Grian pointed towards a door across from them.

"Cool, thanks." Jimmy nodded before walking towards his door.

He started emptying his suitcase and he sighed, looking out the window.

This moment will change his life.

This college.

These people.


It'll all change his life.

Jimmy looked at the beach, feeling overwhelmed and guilty for choosing a college that's so far from his home.

Jimmy got up, searched his suitcase for his green hoodie, and put it on.

He then grabbed his earbuds and phone and walked out.

"I'm gonna walk on the beach." He told Joel and Grian.

"Okay. Remember you have to be back by 7 for dinner." Joel reminded him and Jimmy nodded.

"And watch out for sirens!" Grian called.

"Watch out for what?"

"It's a mythical creature Grian's been reading about. Apparently, they're his favorite creature of them all." Joel said jokingly.

"They lure you into the ocean with their beautiful singing voice and then they kill you." Grian told Jimmy.

"Oh...I'll- I'll make sure to watch out for that." Jimmy said before leaving.

That kid's gonna get bullied for believing in that shit.

Jimmy plugged in his headphones and started to play some pop music that his mother used to play for him all the time.

He took a deep breath as he stepped onto the beach.

It was near sun set so the sun was a nice pink and orange.

There were a couple of people chatting, but it was quiet enough, so Jimmy wasn't bothered.

He felt his shoes sink into the sand, he saw the birds running from the waves that were crashing against the shore, he felt...at peace.

He missed his home and family dearly, but the soothing scenery helped him calm down and look at see that he wasn't hopeless. That his problems did have solutions.

Jimmy put his hands in his pockets as he walked across the beach.

He nearly dodged a wave that crashed very close to his feet.

He chuckled lightly to himself as he continued walking, lowly muttering the song that was playing.

Little did he know, there was another song playing that night.

A beautiful, melodic tune.

It was hard to believe a human could even sing that beautifully.

Well, it wasn't a human that was singing.

It was a siren.

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