The Field Trip

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Grian's Perspective-

"And that's why today, you four are going out to the ocean." Principal Hill said, folding his hands.

He looked serious yet scared at the same time.

Grian looked around at his three other classmates and they all shrugged.

"All four of us are going on a sailboat together to see if this creature that Ethan saw is true?" One girl asked.

"No." Principal Hill said, "All four of you, Mrs. Walker, and I are going out on a motorboat to see if this creature that Ethan saw is true."

"But I need to study for a math test tomorrow." One guy said.

"You are free to opt out if you want." Mrs. Walker said.

They all exchanged looks and the same guy and girl stood up, leaving.

Grian and another guy who Grian recognized as Archer from his technology class stayed.

"I'm down." Archer said, shrugging.

"Sure." Grian agreed.

Mrs. Walker and Principal Hill smiled.

"Great." Principal Hill said, "Then let's get out on the boat."


"Where are you going?" Joel asked as Grian came into their dorm to change clothes.

"I just said, me and Archer got asked to go on a boat to see if this creature that Ethan saw is real."

"Why can't me and Jimmy go?"

"Because me and Archer are acing marine biology. We're two of the top students in that class."

Joel shrugged, "Well have fun wasting a perfectly good Sunday on seeing whether or not Ethan's going insane."

"Thanks." Grian said bitterly, throwing his Greek Mythology book into a bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Why're you taking that book?"

"To pass the time." Grian said, also grabbing his marine biology textbook.

"I gotta go. Tell Tim where I am."

"Okay." Joel said, "Have fun."

"I'll try." Grian muttered as he left.


Grian, Archer, Ethan, Mrs. Walker, and Principal Hill walked onto the boat, and it soon started to sail off from the docks.

Grian sat down and took out his Greek Mythology book.

"What's that for?" Archer asked, sitting next to Grian.

Grian shrugged, "I checked this out of the library for some fun reading and I just brought it in case we got bored."

Archer sighed as he put his hands behind his head.

"That was smart." He said.

After a couple of minutes, the boat came to a spot as Ethan walked to the side of the boat.

"It was somewhere around here." He said, looking around.

Everyone started looking but after a minute, they continued at a slow pace, scanning around for anything unusual.

Grian then saw something move at the side of his eye and did a double take.

His eyes widened as he saw a fish like creature.

It had a fish like tail and gills, but the rest was human.

It looks like...a mermaid or something.

Just then, Grian heard someone gasp and he jumped.

The creature swam off, but Mrs. Walker was pointing frantically at where the creature once was.

"It- it was right there! Grian, dear, why didn't you say something?"

"I- I voice just didn't..." Grian trailed off, his mind racing at what he had just seen.

"Do you think that was a student?" Principal Hill asked and Grian shook his head.

"No, definitely not. It had a fish tail and gills. That was no human, but it also wasn't any sea creature that I've ever heard of. At least creatures that are in the textbooks."

Grian then looked over at his bag which had the Greek Mythology book poking out of it.

Grian walked over to it and opened it up.

He flipped through it to the section about mermaids.

"You think it was mermaid? Grian, be sensible, mermaids don't exist." Principal Hill said.
"Hang on, Principal Hill." Mrs. Walker said, "I think Grian may not be onto something."

Principal Hill's eyes widened.

"But- but mermaids are just mythical creatures meant for fairy tales!" He stuttered.

"Trust me." Grian said, looking up at his principal, "This has to be the only explanation for it. There's no way that was a human or a sea creature from the textbooks. There's just- there's no way."

Later That Night-

Grian entered his dorm and saw Jimmy and Joel playing The Untitled Goose Game together.

"Jim, you're not supposed to give it to them! No- AHHHHH!" Joel screamed into a pillow and Jimmy smiled nervously.

"Oh! Hey Grian!" Jimmy said, waving to Grian.

Grian nodded silently as he walked across the hall to his room.

"Hey, everything good?" Jimmy asked.

Grian shook his head, looking scared.

"Why? What happened?" Jimmy asked, causing Joel to look up.

Grian looked at his friends dead in the eyes and said,

"Mermaids, Tim. Mermaids are real."

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