Getting Caught

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Sorry that this one is short, but DEAL WITH IT. I'm on a trip right now and I was panning on posting the next chapter, but I didn't wanna put too much work on Oli (OliverIsI) so yeah. But I hope you enjoy anyway!!

Scott's Perspective-

Scott saw Scar swimming speedily through the water and tried to follow him.

"Scar!" Scott shouted, "Slow down!"

Scar ignored him and Scott sighed before chasing after him.

Scott caught up to Scar and grabbed his shoulder.

"Scar, what the heck happened?" Scott asked.

Scar turned to Scott, a look of fear on his face.

"Woah. You alright?" Scott asked and Scar shook his head.

"What happened?"

"I- I...I got spotted."

Scott's eyes widened and Scar nodded.


Scar nodded sadly.

"There was another boat out in the water, and I swam up there because I thought there was only one person on the boat, but I got spotted. I was planning on singing but..." Scar trailed off and blush formed on his face.


"But...ugh- I don't know! The guy looked really cute, and I got tongue tied and didn't do anything. And then a woman appeared at the side of the boat and saw me, and I swam off."

Scott sighed, "Scar, you can't stutter like that!"

"I know! I'm sorry, I just...he was really cute." Scar said, smiled distantly.

Scott rolled his eyes.

"But you still got spotted." Scott said on a more serious note.

Scar bit his lip, "Yeah...I did."

Scott sighed, "Scar! You know to be careful. I should've gone with you; I know how easy you get distracted."

"Sorry." Scar said, smiling sheepishly.

"It's fine. Just- well you know they saw you, right?"

Scar nodded.

"That's not you think they'll know what we are?"

Scar shook his head, "They normally think that they were just imagining things because of dehydration."

Scott scoffed, "Idiots."

"But..." Scar trailed off.

"But what?" Scott asked.

"But do you think they might come back and hunt us?"

"Do you want them to?"

"I don't know...that guy was really cute- "

"He's a human, Scar! Humans are what we feast on, not what we love. Get your head straight, will you?"

"Right, right. Sorry."

Scar looked a bit hurt, and Scott sighed.

"I'm sorry, Scar, it's just- you can't date a human. You know that, right?"

Scar nodded, "Yeah. But I can't help but love him."

Scott raised an eyebrow, "Love?"

"Like. Like him."

"Scar, you don't even know his name."

"Well, maybe I might run into him sometime."


"Have you always been this much of a downer?" Scar asked, changing the subject.

Scott blinked, "What do you mean?"

"You're just so negative all the time now! You used to be so much fun. What changed?"

Scott shrugged, "I guess...I'm not really sure. I guess I'm just worried that something bad is going to happen. Especially with you getting spotted and everything."

Scar looked down and Scott apologized.

"Scar, look, I'm really, really sorry for upsetting you. I just...there's not much of us left, you know?"

Scar nodded and hugged Scott.

"We'll be okay." He said softly.

Scott smiled and hugged back.

"I hope."

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