Chapter thirtyfour

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As i woke up the next day I saw that I didn't have a lot of time to get ready before I had to pick Luna up from the airport. I got in the shower took a warm shower, did my skincare, got dressed then headed to the airport. i was thinking me and Luna could go and get breakfast together when I had picked her up as we had like an hour and a half before we had to pick lewis up as well.

As I arrived at the airport I saw Luna running up to me. As she hugged me I laughed ' Heyyy, I missed you so much! ' I said as I hugged her back as well.

' I missed you too! ' she said as we got her luggage in the car and then got in the car.

' so i'm thinking we go to my favorite cafe in London then after we go and pick Lewis up at the airport at 10 '

' Is Lewis coming as well!! ' Luna said excitedly.

I laughed ' Yeah were staying at his house and tonight there is this like party for the whole f1 grid at Lewis house, I have picked a perfect dress for you to wear tonight ' I said.

' I love this day! ' she said as I just smiled.

— — — —

As we sat on the cafe we got talking a little. I told her about my last few months and she told me about her few months, I had missed Luna honestly. I always loved to spend time with her and in some ways she was exactly how I was when I was 16 years old.

Before I knew it we had already sat there just talking and eating for a little over an hour so we decided to head to the airport as Lewis plane landed soon.

As we got in the car driving towards the airport Luna kept talking about how much she missed Lewis and how excited she was to see him again. I was happy that they were close, Luna had never liked many people. She never really liked people expect from me, her family, her friends, her teachers and now Lewis. It honestly made me happy knowing she loved Lewis, it also made me happy knowing Lewis loved Luna as much as she loved him.

When we pulled up to the plane we saw Lewis getting out of the plane and Luna rushed out of the car so she could go and hug him. They hadn't seen each other since Australia, the only thing was that they'd talked a little while I usually was on FaceTime with her. So I knew Luna was gonna be excited of course, she adored Lewis so I knew she was waiting for this moment impatient ever since I told her we were gonna pick him up.

I laughed as I got out of the car and went towards those two. Who Luna already hugged Lewis so hard he could barely breathe.

' let him breathe Luna ' I said.

' fine ' she said as she pulled away from their hug.

' Hey, how was the flight ' I said as I me and Lewis hugged.

' it was great ' Lewis said as we pulled away.

We then got his luggage in the car then got in the car and drove home to his place. In the car we all made some talk. Luna told Lewis all about what had happened in school these last months while he listened to her although he was focused on driving. It made me happy to see how happy Luna got by being with Lewis and me, it meant she felt safe and like herself around us which made my heart happy.

— — — —

Just as we got home I headed up to Lewis room to go and get my stuff. As I was getting my stuff tho I saw Lewis standing in the doorframe to the room.

' sorry I didn't know where I was gonna sleep and Angela just told me to sleep here for the night so I just slept in your room while you were gone, i'm gonna pack my stuff quick I promise ' I said.

' Don't I want you to stay with me I sleep much better when your with me, plus I told Angela to get you settled down in my room cause I want you to stay with me ' Lewis said as he went towards me grabbing my face in his hands then kissing me.

i blushed at his words and his affection. I had never had someone who had loved me like this, sure I had lots of boyfriends before in my teenage years but they weren't as loving as Lewis is. Most of them didn't show me any love actually.

i kissed him back saying ' I love you '

he smiled as he said he loved me back. For a moment we just stood there as Lewis had his head on my shoulders as he had his arms around my waist, god how I wanted to freeze that moment it was just like I wanted to stop time right there. But eventually we had to go and get ready which made me both happy and sad. Lewis gave me one last kiss tho before he was dragged away by the party planners to give some advice on what he wanted for the party.

— — — —

By the time I and Luna went downstairs I saw the first guests had arrived, then I saw Lewis who stood in the big tent who stood outside looking down at his phone. As I came behind him I kissed his cheek.

' Hey, you look very beautiful tonight ' Lewis said as he put his phone away and grabbed my waist.

' you don't look too bad yourself Mr Hamilton ' I said as I laughed.

Just as we had kissed again it came one who worked at the party and told us a lot of guests were starting to arrive and once again we had to pull away and go to all of the guests.

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