Chapter twentythree

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Charles pov:

As we got in the car she asked me about the dinner tonight shit I'd forgot. I honestly didn't even wanna go to the dinner I didn't wanna meet her stupid exchange family why should I care about that?? It was probably only gonna be boring anyway so I told her I had work even tho I knew that I actually had a date with Charlotte tonight but I couldn't tell her that she'd be mad that I bailed on her again but it wasn't that big of a deal she always just made it into a big deal for no reason at all. She could bail on me and I wouldn't be mad but I wasn't as dramatic as her anyway.

After I said that she seemed to be quiet for the whole ride and to be honest that was good I couldn't stand her talking so much it made my ears bleed.

As we walked in the paddock she seemed happy how I hated seeing her happy she had together with my family ruined my mood and my life I didn't wanna marry her but it wasn't like I had any choice. I just had to go along with it for a little more until we could get a divorce and say we tried our best for it to work but it didn't work to our families and be done with each other cause I just couldn't stand her anymore. She talked 24/7, she always tried to be positive and she always got so mad when I bailed on her for Charlotte and when I was affectionate with Charlotte in public. I didn't really care but to stop her from whining about it I just kept shut and did it in secret as she'd never understand anyway.

_ _ _ _

After free practice Quinn came to me and told me she was leaving for the dinner and I couldn't be happier that she would be gone that meant she wouldn't ask me any questions all night and I could have a peaceful date night with Charlotte. But as I was leaving I saw her still being here and she was chatting with Daniel and Lewis and I just didn't like it Daniel was okay but however much I hated her I hated Lewis always getting what was mine all the time.

But I didn't get to see them a lot since Charlotte soon came to me and I switched attention over to Charlotte who looked as beautiful as always. And when I eventually looked over to see if Quinn was till there so we could leave I saw that she wasn't but so wasn't Lewis but I just figured he'd gone back to the garage or something like that so I left with Charlotte and ran into Daniel on the way with whom we only said hi to each other and then I and Charlotte kept walking to the car so we could drive to the hotel and change and then drive to the restaurant so we could have our date night.

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As we got to the restaurant we got lead to our table and when we sat down I started to admire Charlotte and when I looked into her beautiful eyes the whole world disappeared. Sometimes I wondered what my life would've been like if I wouldn't have been forced to marry Quinn and I married Charlotte instead maybe I would be happily married and have children with her by now. Instead I was not happily married and I had to live with it for at least a few more months until I had an excuse to divorce her cause then I could just say that it didn't work out to my family and move on.

' Charles are you sure Quinn knows about tonight? I don't want her to be mad ' Charlotte asked me as I was admiring her.

' yes she knows and she cool with it don't worry my love ' I said.

Yeah it was a lie but it wasn't like Quinn would ever find out about tonight not if I had something to do with it. It wasn't any of her business anyways so she shouldn't even care about it because it's not her business or her life. I could do whatever I want she couldn't control my life it wasn't like she was my mother.

As the evening continued me and Charlotte had a romantic dinner and then a romantic walk in Melbourne the city of Australia. Before we returned to the hotel and said goodbye as I went to my room to see if Quinn was back I mean it was 11pm she should be back she couldn't have a dinner that long.

But as I stepped in the room Quinn was still not there so I decided to text her asking where the fuck she was and all she texted back was ' don't worry I'll see you on the track tomorrow bye ' and I texted her back ' Quinn I'm not playing where the fuck are you! ' but it got sent as delivered had she just turned off her phone?? Didn't even answer her husband see that's one of the reasons I didn't like her she didn't do anything to make me happy. She didn't even try to do anything she always just ignored me and all that.

I just put my phone on the side table and went to sleep feeing annoyed she was the one I was forced to marry I could've married anyone else but her.

_ _ _ _

The next day I saw her arriving at the paddock with Lewis and some little girl and I got annoyed at her why Lewis out of all people I wouldn't care if it wasn't Lewis.

After much chaos that day with fighting with Quinn and all that I saw Lewis with the little girl who apparently was Quinn's little sister or exchange little sister and I just got so annoyed when she came up to me with Lewis having the biggest bond with him.

' go away you shouldn't even be here ' I said to her cause I didn't care about her or her sister.

When I said that Lewis looked at me weirdly but I didn't care he could have Quinn I didn't even like her I liked Charlotte but I couldn't be publicly with her and it made me feel furious at everyone who forced me into this arranged marriage shit.

Later I got a call from the bank saying someone had spent 8 million and asked if I wanted to accept it and I figured it was Quinn and if I would decline it she would be a bigger baby about it so I just said ' yeah don't worry it's my wife accept all the charges ' and then I stormed back to the hotel to confront her.

_ _ _ _

After I confronted her she started being a baby about me wanting her " little sister " no one cares about her little sister or her they are both as annoying and getting in my way.

I watched as Quinn packed her stuff and Luna crying in Lewis chest as they both left and I didn't even care I was done with both of them or mostly done with Quinn.

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