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"This match has been cancelled." 

"We can't cancel Quidditch!" 

"Silence Wood, you and your teammates will go to Griffindor tower now." Mcgonagall demanded. "Weasley Twins, find your friend Miss Granger and tell her she must be at the nurses office immediately and then off to the Griffindor Tower." 

The twins nodded and Mcgonagall turned to Harry. "Harry, you and I will find Mr. Weasley, there's something that the both of you have to see."  

Brooklyn ran into the nurses office to find Harry, Ron, Mcgonagall already there. Her hair was messed up but she was covered head to toe in Griffindor colours, if you squinted you could see her nails were painted the colours swell. 

"Apologies for both my tardiness and my appearance!" Brooklyn scurried into the room. "The twins had insisted I show my support for their team." 

"You aren't late in the slightest, this may shock you quite a bit." Mcgonagall warned. 

Brooklyn furrowed her eyebrows but her face fell when she saw Hermione, petrified and on a bed. "Oh sweetie..." 

"She was found near the library." Mcgonagall informed. "Along with this, does it mean anything to any of you?" She held up a silver handheld mirror. 

Brooklyn gave a sad chuckle. "I knew she took that..." Brooklyn lightly caressed her cheek before turning to the boys. "It'll be fine, Professor Sprout says that the Mandrakes are growing wonderfully and soon they'll be fine." 

"Miss Granger?" 

"Yes Mcgonagall?" 

"You don't have roommates do you?" 

"I don't." 

"You don't have close friends in Ravenclaw either..." 

"No Ma'am, most of my friends are in Griffindor, a few in Hufflepuff." 

"Right..." Mcgonagall looked at Brooklyn. "Would it be possible for you to stay in the Griffindor common spaces? Just so that you're around more people? You can stay in Hermione's room while we get the situations sorted..."

"Okay Miss."

"Thank you, now you three best hurry along to Griffindor Tower. Brooklyn you know how to get in yes?" 

"I do." 

"Right then."

As the three walked out of the nurse, she leaned her head down slightly and whispered "Meet me, sometime today. We have lots to discuss.

Mcgonagall excused herself after telling the students the new rules set in place and about the chance the school will close down. Brooklyn excused herself from the twins and met up with Harry and Ron in a corner. 

"Right, I imagine Hermione has filled you in on what I've found correct?" The two boys nodded and the three of them sat on the floor. "Anything new happened? That might help my research?" 

Harry explained how he found Tom Riddle's diary, how it spoke and about the vision it showed him. "Why was Mcgonagall so worried about you being around people?" 

"She thinks something back is going to happen to me. My first year at Hogwarts, I was rather troublesome and I got into a lot of trouble. She wants me supervised and around people. Back to Hagrid--"

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