The Beginning

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The doors of the healing centre opened violently. A girl raced in. Hermione turned her head from the twins who were asking about their little brother Ron who was in bed

"Mini?" The girl called. "No- no Madame Pomfrey I'm fine I swear, what? No I'm not bleeding i don't know what you're talking about..." the girl looked around before locking eyes with Hermione. "Mini!" The girl gently passed Pomfrey before rushing towards Hermione. 

Fred and George watched curiously as the older girl hugged Hermione before worryingly asking her questions. 

"'Lyn, I'm fine I swear I didnt get hurt!" Hermione assured her. "How do even know where I would be?" 

"Dumbledore told the whole school about the little adventure you and your little friends went on." The girl explained she talked quickly. "Speaking of which....are your friends okay?" 

Harry, was passed out on a bed with a bandage on his wrist next to Ron who was sleeping with a lot of bruises. 

"Um... fair question... Madame Pomfrey said they were fin- Brook what did you do to your hands?" Hermione asked, looking down at the girl hands that were trying to hide in sleeves. 

"Don't worry about it, Its all good I can just-" the girls whispered "Episkey"  the scratches on her knuckles disappeared. "See, its fine. Oh Hi" the girl gave a small smile to the twins who waved in return. 

"Names Brooklyn, nice to meet you Fred and George" Brooklyn said, looking between the two as she named them 

"Heard of us already?" Fred asked. 

"You're in my year, and you're quite... infamous at school." Brooklyn stated, adjusting Hermione's collar. 

"How do you know Hermione here? " George asked. 

Brooklyn looked back at them, flipping her hair out of habit. "She's my little sister. Brooklyn Granger." She made eye contact with George. Her eyes were darker than Hermione's and so was her hair, which was the same length as Hermione's but less poofy and currently more out of place but it looked good. She had the same freckles as Hermione. They looked pretty similar. 

"We're getting off topic, Lyn how did you get those scratches" Hermione asked Brooklyn. 

"I was really careful plus I dont think I hurt him that bad! It wont mess up my future or anything and it was justified" Brooklyn said, not giving any context. Just then a 2nd year with a bloody nose walked through the door. Brooklyn looked over her shoulder at him before moving closer to the twins to be out of sight. Brooklyn pretended to pick at her fingers while Hermione looked wide eyed at her. 

"Brook.... Did you do that?" Hermione said dangerously calm. She was ignored by the older girl.

"Moving on!" Brooklyn looked at her watch. "Darn. I have Charms in 5 minutes... see you at dinner. Meet in front of the great hall?" Hermione nodded and Brooklyn was off. 

"Never knew you had a sister 'Mione!" Fred exclaimed once she was gone. "Why have we never seen her in the common room or elsewhere?" Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Shes not a Gryffindor, she's in Ravenclaw. Anyways I best go to transfiguration before I'm late." Hermione grabbed her book bag and left. 

The twins looked at each other and smiled before they pulled the blanket over Ron and got Madame Pomfrey to write them a note about how their 'Dearest little brother' was injured and how 'distraught' they were. They then roamed the halls and set up a prank for the Slytherin before they went to Charms. 

𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓉𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑜𝓇 G.WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora