𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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George and Fred Weasley had gone looking for Brooklyn at dinner, although being an excuse they quite literally had a page of Brooklyn's notes for Charms. They didn't find her. 

"Hey Hermione." Fred starts, ignoring Ron's existence, who had been let out of  the hospital wing for dinner. "Do ya happen to know where your sister might be?" George asked. 

"No hello Ron, I'm so glad you're okay! Or maybe are you feeling alright?" Ron mumbled. Everyone ignored him. 

"Yeah, Ravenclaw table. She had to go get something from her dorm but it's been 15 minutes since dinner started so she should be here by now..." Hermione lifted her head and tried to see over the sea of children and at the Ravenclaw table. "Huh weird, she's probably there. I just can't see her. Why?" 

"No reason!" The twins chorused. 

The twins decided that they would give back the notes when they saw her at breakfast.

Breakfast rolled around and they still hadn't seen Brooklyn. They asked around but most of the responses were "Who's Brooklyn?" Or "Granger has a sister?" The rest of the replies were people who had heard of her or had talked to her but they didn't know where she was.

George has the morning free, he checked on the quidditch pitch and at the library. Both of which were the only places he could think of that she would be at. He did just meet her yesterday. Little did he know he wouldn't be searching for too much longer as the next class he was with the Ravenclaw students. Only it was Potions so unless he was looking for another detention, he couldn't just get up in the middle of class to hand her a paper.

Potions eventually growing nearer so Brooklyn, who was in her dorm, changed out of a super oversized hoodie and into the uniform. When it was summer and spring, the students of Hogwarts needn't to wear their robes as it was far too warm. They did however still need to wear the rest of their uniform.

Brooklyn wasn't a huge fan of the uniform. Not because of the style. She rather liked the style of clothing. She would wear the uniform in the muggle world if it wouldn't be weird and if she was confidant enough. It was just that the uniform wasn't baggy enough. Brooklyn didn't like the style of baggy clothing but she felt more insecure in clothing that gave more of an outline to her figure. Each of their uniforms were tailored and re-tailored each year to make sure they fit well. Brooklyn's uniform fit too well. This is what she would wear if she wasn't scared. 

Brooklyn grabbed her bag and exited her common room, letting more first years back into the dorms. 

She walked at a brisk pace as she didn't want to be late. Not that she was ever late but she didn't want to risk it, especially having to listen to Snape for an hour. She cringed at how loud her shoes were. She loved her shoes, they were heeled Maryjane's but they didn't have to be this loud!   She gripped onto her messenger bag and told herself to relax. Nobody pays attention to me anyways. It's fine, nobody's judging you. 

She entered the potions classroom and took of her bag. Snape was the only one in the classroom. She walked up to the blackboard and started erasing the doodles and offensive doodles from the board. Every Lesson she thought. 

The Gryffindor's were known to make their remarks on Snape known. His blackboard was usually the first place they go to write their angry feelings. Some menace wrote with paint. 

"Scourgify"  Brooklyn thought. The paint disappeared. Brooklyn smiled at herself. She had been trying to practice her non-verbal spells. 

"Professor Snape, what's todays lesson?' Brooklyn writes the lesson title on the board once she finishes cleaning it. Some kids have trouble reading his handwriting, and if they know what they didn't understand in class it was nice for them to catch up in the library about the topic. Brooklyn knew this for sure as the library monitor at times. She heard some kids thanking the person who writes clearly on Snape's board. 

"Hair-rising potion and antidote creation" Snape said, not looking up from a scroll, probably his lesson plans. 

Brooklyn started writing down what they were doing this lesson and was about to start listing the ingredients before Snape interrupted. 

"Don't list the ingredients. We went over this yesterday in class. I would hope they remember it." 

Brooklyn nodded before sitting back down in her seat just as footsteps approached the door to the classroom. Around 15 kids barged through the door, breaking the peaceful silence the room had previously had. Brooklyn was seated in the second row corner. Close enough to the board to be able to see it if she had forgotten her contacts or glasses but not too close up to make her seems like a nerd. She thought about these things a lot.

A red head entered the room and scanned it for Brooklyn. Once spotting her, he had sat down next to her. 

"Didn't see ya at breakfast or lunch, not hungry?" George asked the girl. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and starting improvising. 

"Am I that elusive? Maybe you're just blind." She said shortly. Snape had begun to talk to the class about the potion they were going to make. They were off, grabbing ingredients they thought they needed. Once Brooklyn had done so she made her way back to her seat, being careful not to bump into anyone. 

You had to make the hair-rising potion and then drink it, afterwards you made the antidote. Couldn't finish the antidote in time? That's your problem. 

Brooklyn had finished making her potion within the first 10 minutes, a rather strong one too. It was like she was upside down, with her hair like that. She began making her antidote, making extra in case other kids didn't finish theirs in time. 

Snape was yelling at a second year Ravenclaw. Brooklyn cringed. She didn't like yelling, there wasn't a particular reason. She just didn't like it. She made a mental note to talk to that kid after class. 

George had finished his potion by the time Brooklyn was nearly finished with her antidote. 

"These would make for a wicked prank, don't ya think?" George pointed to his hair that was lifting up. 

"Not really, if you brush it for long enough it just looked like your hair is frizzy. If you really want a prank then slip some of the potion for curly hair into someone's fruit. Doesnt untangle to matter how hard you brush and it tastes like grapes." Brooklyn replied, stirring her antidote and sprinkling in some turtle scales her antidote. 

"Now I'm no expert but I don't think scales are in the antidote..." George said looking at her potion. 

"Well clearly you're no expert. Turtle scales make hair softer and more hydrated when combined with Lavender, which is in the antidote." Brooklyn said, turning the heat of her potions down and then pouring it into little bottles. 

Class was almost over and Snape had nodded at her when her hair fell down from the air, looking shinier. She stood at the door, giving tiny bottles of the antidote to other students who hadn't finished, including George who took one and winked before waiting for her outside the classroom. He did still have her notes. She had given her last bottle to a little Ravenclaw girl before she took the second year outside of the classroom and wiped the girls eyes. George hadn't even noticed the second year was crying. Brooklyn kneeled down to be at eye level with the girl who had slid down the wall. George watched curiously. 

"Hey it's okay" Brooklyn comforted, her voice much softer than when she had been conversations with George. 

"I'm a Ravenclaw! I'm supposed to be smart and Snape- Snape yelled at me! I couldn't grab the right ingredients!" The girl wailed. Brooklyn hugged the little girl as she cried into her shoulder. George smiled at how nice Brooklyn was being, so used to her being more energetic.

"Look, Snape yells at people if they breathe too loud, besides being intelligent isn't the only Ravenclaw quality. Learning should be the more famous one. We all have to learn! That's why we're at Hogwarts after all! Hey take this."  Brooklyn dug through her bag and pulled out a neatly folded pieces of paper. "I made this a week ago, it's most of the topics I learned this year along with some tips. Look at it over the summer. I'm sure you'll do great things! Now it's time for you to head to lunch kiddo!" Brooklyn tapped her wand on the girls nose. All her tears disappeared and so did her puffy eyes. The girl up and Brooklyn patted her on the shoulder before the girl thanked her and ran off to go join her friends. Brooklyn smiled. 

George turned away, realising how weird it was that he stood there watching like a creep. 

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