𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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"Mini! Are you finished packing?" Brooklyn called from downstairs. "I wanna get out of this hellhole as fast as possible." 

Their parents had wished them goodbye the previous night as they had work and the two Granger sisters wanted to sleep in. 

"Almost!" Hermione replied. Brooklyn was making quesadilla's so they could eat while they walked to the station. Brooklyn had finished packing last night, so did Hermione but Hermione forgot something so she's currently reorganising her whole suitcase. Brooklyn dried the pan she used and put it away. "I'm ready!"

Brooklyn went back upstairs, and grabbed her suitcase and her sisters. "Cmon, grab the quesadilla's on the kitchen counters and let's go." Brooklyn grabbed her owlcage with Dipsy in it and went downstairs. 

They went outside and Brooklyn locked to door. Hermione handed Brooklyn her quesadilla and they starting walking towards the station. 

Once they got there, they quickly passed into platform 9 and 3/4. Brooklyn helped Hermione out her suitcase onto the train. They stepped onto the train. "Go on and find your friends, I'll see you in the great hall." 

Hermione ran off and Brooklyn smiled. Brooklyn walked over to an empty compartment and took out her notebook and a pen. She flipped to a specific page and starting writing. 

450 calories in the cheese, I used 1 cup for both so 450/2 is 225. Then the tortilla is around the same calculations so just 450 in total around—

"Hows are favorite Ravenclaw!" Fred announced sliding open the compartment door. "Studying before the school year starts? Must you fit the stereotype perfectly?" 

Brooklyn rolled her eyes as George walked in. "Kidnap anymore children?" She asked.

"Unfortunately not, we got in loads of trouble for our first one." George admitted. Brooklyn laughed, closing her book. 

Both of the twins sat next to her as they chatted the whole ride there. Around the middle of the trip Brooklyn got up. "I'm gonna change into my robes, y'all do the same." Brooklyn shoved her notebook back into her book bag and found the bathroom. 

"Accio Uniform." 

Brooklyn got dressed and adjusted her hair before going back to the compartment where Fred and George were, changed in the uniforms. "Wow, for once you listened to me." 

She sat back down and they talked some more until they reached Hogwarts. They were boarding the boats. "So, sleepover in the Gryfinndor common room?" Fred suggested. 

"Can't, I always stay in the Ravenclaw dormitory for the first week of school from dinner to the morning." Brooklyn said. 

"Why?" Fred asked. 

"The first years! It's hard enough navigating the staircases. I might aswell make their life easier a little bit by opening the common room for them." Brooklyn explained. "Plus Hogwarts can be really overwhelming for people." 

George looked at her in awe before the boat shook and brought him back to reality. 

"Sleepover in the Ravenclaw common room?" Brooklyn proposed. "Or in my room, I'll have to see if they've given me a roommate, last year I didn't get a single roommate." 

They went their different way and sat down at the great hall and cheered for the first year students as they were sorted. 

Then the feast started. Brooklyn grabbed a big apple and ate it before pouring herself a glass of orange juice. She then went up to her common room. 

"What kind of tree can you hold in your hand" 

"Palm tree. Punny.

 Brooklyn sat down, opening the door every 15-30 minutes and letting students in. She checked her room door. "Brooklyn Granger" was the only name on the door. She sat back down and pulled out her notebook. 

116+111= 227...227+450= 677...

Two redheads burst through the door. They were holding a duffel bag. "Sleepover time!" 

Brooklyn smiled and closed her book. "You can go and set up in my room, I don't have any roommates this year." 

Throughout the night, the three of them talked, Brooklyn getting up every 30 minutes or so to open the door. It was curfew now and Brooklyn quickly got up. 

Brooklyn opened the door and waited a bit. Students usually hustled in a few minutes after curfew not wanting to be caught by Filch. 

"Cmon! Get to bed, cmon!" She whispered quietly and she ushered kids into the dormitory. "Do you need help finding your room?" She helped the little kids before returning to the dorm. 

Fred and George were watching her. Fred, teasing George about his crush on Brooklyn. 

Brooklyn returned to the dorm and brushed her teeth. They all whispered a but more and they also argued. 

"I'll take the floor, get on the goddamn bed you two!" Brooklyn whispered aggressively. 

"Its your dorm! Why should you sleep on the floor?" 

"Why should you guys sleep on the floor? Get on the bed." Brooklyn demanded. "Get on the bed before I hex you." She pointed her wand at them.

Both the twins put their hands up and got onto the bed. Brooklyn threw their pillows and blankets onto the bed and grabbed hers and set up her spot on the floor. 

"Goodnight losers." Brooklyn said, already falling asleep. 

"Night 'lynn" the twins chorused. And they all fell asleep. 

The next morning, George was awake before everyone else. He was watching Brooklyn sleep, as creepy as that is. He just loved looking at her. She was just so.... Amazing... She was perfect but also not perfect but still perfect. He cared about her so much. She has a birthmark on the knuckle of her ring finger on her right hand. She usually had ink smudges on the side of her hand. 

She's a pillow hugger. George made a mental note of. It was true, Brooklyn was cuddling her pillow as she slept. 

"You're being quite creepy." Fed whispered. "Go back to bed, it's 4 in the morning." 

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