Getting lost in London

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It was a windy day today, in fact, it just started drizzling. I didn't have my umbrella so I was slowly getting wet. I looked for a taxi or someone to tell me where I am. I was having a day out with my friends but they had to go home and they never took me.( Some friends! ) I sighed. I looked for a train station, I found one! But, this wasn't the train station I was used to. It had a different map then the original tube.

Then, the rain stopped suddenly. I turned around. It was Dan Howell. I gasped and he hushed me. "I bet you're lost aren't you?" I nodded, trying not to freak out. "Do you know who I am? I'll introduce myself incase you don't know. My name is-" "Dan Howell" I interrupted. "Sorry. I just love watching your videos. " I mumbled as I was holding myself together. "Sorry? I didn't hear that." I opened my mouth but he said it didn't matter. He was really taller than I expected, as he was 6'3" and I was 5'2".

"So you're lost. I'll take you to my apartment then, so you can dry off then tomorrow I can hopefully get you home." "Okay." I replied. So Dan Howell was walking next to me, covering me with his umbrella and holding my hand. It was quite an amazing experience. We got on a taxi and got taken to his apartment.

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