Chapter-26. Warning

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"They are not worth scaringyour beautiful hands

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"They are not worth scaring
your beautiful hands."

"My lady

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"My lady." Afanas gestured that Meave sits on the opposite chair. She sits down smiling softly so does he.
Meave looks around checking the interior of the cafe. It's not much but it is elegant.  Small crystal balls hang all around it, the yellow tint glowing from the lights making them glow like stars. Flowers and plants from different species adorned different corners of the cafe. It made her feel like Christmas. The cool breeze of the AC made her feel like December while it was still summer.

"Here." she turned her head when Afanas offered her a cup of latte with small marshmallows floating on top. Cute- that's all that came on her find.

"You ordered a latte the second time we met, and you added marshmallows in that too," he added smiling softly reminiscing the old memory, small dimples appeared on his cheek. Meave can guess why.
They came a long way from being strangers to growing a strong bond that's far more than just attraction a bond which has yet to be named. But, do all relations need to be branded with a name? Irony the first time they met she couldn't even stand his sight now he is one of those people she seeks comfort and peace from.

She looked away from him fixing her white dress. "You are quite observant" she stated taking a sip of her latte. The sweetness of the marshmallows melted in her mouth and she took her sweet time enjoying every taste.

"I am observant. It helps to figure out people way more than you can by talking to them. Humans are the most complex puzzle that you can figure out." he clarified sipping from his cup.

"What if you can't solve one of them even after observing them for years?"

"Then it means they can't be solved. They have already lost pieces of them that can't be found again. You can't fix a broken vase." He said fiddling with the bracelet in his hand yet again. A part of him knows that he is one of those people too, those who can't be fixed. But, there is a benefit to that too it makes him out of reach for his foe and the dark parts a mystery to his loved ones.

"But, we can try"

"They aren't worth scaring your beautiful hands."He looked at her tenderly, her hazel-green eyes hold so much hope in them right now. It's not like he had never seen a woman as beautiful as her next to her mother. But, she has raised her standard of beauty to him. How can he ever forget the way life lit up in those eyes, the way she smiled ever so brightly? It's her look that attracted him to her, but it's her beautiful soul that enchanted him to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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