Len was obviously shocked to see us and Emu trying to distract us meant that they're hiding something.

This whole interaction with both of them has certainly piped my interest. After not seeing my dear (Y/N) for nearly three days, I'm sure this would keep me busy for a while.

Emu was nervous, which is something anyone rarely sees. Whatever they're hiding really must be serious.

"Quit fooling around Emu! We have to get serious if we want (Y/N) to be in next weeks show!" Tsukasa seemed more determined than ever to make (Y/N) preform with us.

Meanwhile Nene and I have been trying to figure out more about (Y/N's) middle school life, which we haven't gotten that far.

Although we were here for ideas and advice, we also heard that the plushies are making their own special play for tomorrow.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice how Emu has now trying to hold Nene from entering the theater by latching herself onto Nene's back.

Unfortunately for her, Nene and Tsukasa made their way inside with ease. "Nene-Chan~! NOOO!"

Inside the theatre, many plushies were running around and some seemed to be comforting Len.

Kaito walked over to us with his usual charming smile. Emu immediately got off Nene and sighed in relief.

"Welcome back again. Is there anything in particular that brought you here?"

Tsukasa immediately took note on how well decorated the stage was. "We actually wanted to talk with you about something, but I'm curious as to why the theatre is so decorated?"

Kaito sweat dropped a bit. "Just a special show between the plushies and us! You're welcome to see it tomorrow!"

As Kaito explained what the show would be about, I couldn't help but notice how many of the plushies were leading Emu towards the backstage area. Even Nene saw the scene yet decided to not pursue after our pink haired friend.

I wanted to follow after her, but there was still something's I needed to ask Kaito first.

When Tsukasa left to check out the show's script, Nene and I asked Kaito a question that has being lingering in our minds for almost a week.

"Kaito...can we ask you something?" Nene's tone was serious yet she still seemed shy about asking.

With a light nod from Kaito, I explained the rest to Kaito. "A friend of ours has been keeping secrets that we believe could lead to something terrible. We don't have much information on the subject and we don't want to bring a sensitive topic up with said person. Any chance you might know something?"

It was worth a chance to ask Kaito about (Y/N's) situation. He has seen and knows a bit of her from what I've told him. The faster this case gets solved, the more I can better understand (Y/N).

Kaito crossed his arms in thought. He let out a quiet sigh as a disappointed smile appeared on his face.

"I wish I could help more, but I don't have much experience in that sort of situation. But only time will tell, if this person is comfortable enough, with time, they'll speak their mind. Don't try to push it since that will only lead to distance. The more you think you know, the more this person strays away."

I guess he has a point, there's no point in forcing (Y/N) into telling us all about her life. Doing so would only lead to her hating us.

It seemed Nene understood what Kaito meant as well. She let out a sigh before a small smile formed on her face.

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