He shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. Surely Rhaenyra wouldn't put her daughter against him. However, she was closer to Daemon, and Daemon would definitely put Aemeryn across from him in the battlefield. Aemond watched as Aemeryn tilted her head back again and felt the sun warm her skin. She was finally happy, and it tore Aemond's heart to shreds.


Daemon pulled his hood closer around his face in the crowded pub. Why they wanted to meet in possibly the most crowded pub in Flea Bottom, he would never understand, but they were the best. Two chairs being pulled back caused him to look up.

They weren't attractive men in the slightest. Their faces both bore scars from various battles. One of them was shorter than the other, and Daemon could smell him from here. The other, Daemon had known since he was Commander of the City Watch.

"Be my guest, gentlemen," Daemon said sarcastically as he held his hand out to the chairs they had already sat in.

"What's the job?" Blood asked, already cutting to the chase.

"Where's the gold?" Cheese asked directly after. Daemon sighed and tossed the gold onto the table in front of them.

"I need the head of one of Aegon Targaryen's sons."

Blood and Cheese looked at each other before looking back at Daemon. Blood was the one to lean forward and speak first. "That's suicide, Prince. Assuming we could even get into the Red Keep, there are guards everywhere. What makes you think we can even get to those children?"

"You two are the best, are you not? I'm paying you to figure it out," Daemon said as he tossed more gold on the table. Cheese grabbed it greedily and shoved it into his pockets. "Do not harm the little girl, and do not harm Helaena. They are to be left alone, do you understand me? I will not have my wife cutting my balls off because her beloved sister is harmed by you two."

"Understood, boss," Blood grumbled as he stood. Cheese followed after and stared Daemon down.

"If anything happens to those two girls, I'll kill you myself." Blood and Cheese left the pub without looking back. Daemon sighed and ran his hands down his face before standing and leaving to find Caraxes.

The dragon was still on the beach where he left him. He knocked into Daemon's body with his snout in a welcome. Daemon patted his giant snout before climbing up his body to sit in the saddle.

"Sōvēs, Caraxes."


Aemeryn stared down the old man in front of her. Lord Grover Tully was a foolish and stubborn old man. After their arrival yesterday, Aemeryn and Aemond made the decision to stay in a local inn after a less than warm welcome.

"I am staying neutral, Princess. Dragons do not terrify me, nor do Targaryens. Tell me, Prince Aemond, why do you fly with Princess Aemeryn when she does not support King Aegon's claim?"

Aemond stiffened slightly and looked at the old man in front of them. They were sitting at a table that Lord Tully insisted on doing all of his business at. Aemeryn sat across from him, and Aemond had chosen to remain standing behind her. They looked like a terrifying united front this way and rather enjoyed it.

"I support my wife, Lord Tully."

"You do realize the two biggest dragons are currently outside of your city walls, correct?" Aemeryn's voice was quiet but full of rage.

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