Chapter 21: Steps into Shadow (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Specter 6 to Ghost, change of plans. We need a 44 scoop at the landing platform," Ezra urgently relayed.

"On my way, Specter 6," Hera responded, acknowledging the request.

The group of rebels and pirates swiftly entered an elevator, seeking refuge from the pursuing stormtroopers. Sabine handed one of her blasters to Hondo.

"Here, make yourself useful," she remarked with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh, Mandalorian," Hondo said, inspecting the blaster. "I could get a lot for this on the black market."

"You will be giving it back," Sabine growled, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

As the elevator reached its destination, the rebels burst out, engaging in a fierce firefight with more troopers. Amidst the chaos, Hondo managed to shoot down a lone trooper.

"Oh, I'm keeping it," the pirate stated defiantly.

"No, you're not!" Sabine declared, determined to reclaim her blaster.

"Come on, this way!" Ezra called out as he and the others sprinted forward. Just as they were about to make their escape, three troopers blocked their path.

"Hunter, time to slice 'n' dice!" Ezra yelled, determination in his voice.

"Now you're speaking my language!" Hunter responded with enthusiasm. Both Jedi ignited their sabers, but this time, Ezra's blade shimmered in an emerald green hue. With swift and precise movements, the two Jedi expertly parried and deflected blaster bolts back at the troopers. Meanwhile, Tarba, in his haste, raced ahead of everyone, only to be met by the devastating fire of a walker, causing an explosion that filled the air.

"Well, I guess the deal is off," Hondo lamented, realizing the loss of their business associate.

As the walker continued its assault, firing upon the group, Ezra swiftly directed his companions to take cover, urging them to fight back. Amidst the chaos, Zeb shouted, acknowledging their dire situation.

"Karabast! We're cut off!" Zeb exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"We need to make a move, or we won't stand a chance!" Sabine exclaimed, her resolve unshaken. She swiftly threw a bomb at the troopers behind her, causing a powerful explosion upon impact. Taking advantage of the distraction, Chopper quickly closed the door, providing a temporary barrier.

"Don't worry, Sabine," Ezra assured her, his voice filled with confidence. "I got us into this; I'll get us out."

"You're acting like you have a choice," Hunter interjected, his focus still on fending off the advancing troopers.

Ezra chose to ignore his friend's remark and instead tapped into the Force, channeling his abilities to take control of the walker. With a swift motion, he manipulated the massive machine, causing it to turn and unleash its firepower upon the troopers, buying the group a moment of respite.

In the midst of the chaos, Sabine removed her helmet, revealing a striking change in her appearance. Her hair, now styled anew, featured a mesmerizing blend of milky white at the top, transitioning into pink in the middle, and ending with vibrant purple at the bottom. Most of it was elegantly combed to the right side of her head, reflecting her unique and rebellious spirit.

The others watched with awe and anticipation as Ezra skillfully maneuvered the walker, causing it to walk off the edge, plummeting into the abyss below.

"When did Kanan teach you that?" Sabine inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"He didn't," Ezra responded, his voice tinged with a somber tone.

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