Chapter 23-Beautifully broken

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"I will put the boot down once you explain to me what the fuck you were doing"  she angrily spat. But suddenly the boot dropped to her side as her arm fell, the look on her face changing. It was a look Tom couldn't read but he knew it wasn't good. Her face was blank for a few seconds before she turned her head to the side, giving him a very sinister grin.

Uh oh...

Tom froze as she walked towards him, slowly, the grin growing into a hook on the side of her face.

"I don't think I need you to explain it to me anymore actually" she let out a small laugh.

Toms eyes widened.

"W-what?" He stuttered, completely shocked.

"W-what?" Anzelika mocking him back, before taking another step.

"I don't need you to explain what you were doing. Its obvious"

Tom stayed silent. He was confused.

"It was obvious Tom, I'm not surprised" she said, waving her hand in the air.

He straightened his posture. "Surprised by what exactly"

She scoffed as she shook her head "oh don't even act like you don't know what you were doing"

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He closed his mouth instead, looking at her very confused. He was starting to get a little irritated but it still wouldn't compare to how angry she was.

"You amaze me Tom. You reallly do. You are so fucking self centered. You don't think about anyone but yourself. You only care about what you're going to stick your dick in next, and decide to do it, not even thinking about the fact that everyone else on this bus will have to hear the exaggerated moans of that poor girl."

She jabbed a finger in his direction, her other hand on her hip.

"The fucking fact you did it in my bed shows you have no fucking respect for me whatsoever and I made it clear to you I don't take disrespect from fucking anyone"

It was Toms turn to step towards her. She stood there as he moved  himself closer towards her.

"Anzelika...." He said quietly, looking between her eyes, hoping she'd see the sincerity in his eyes. But she couldn't care less.

"Don't you fucking ' Anzelika' me. I don't want to hear another fucking word out of you, unless it's a damn apology but who  the fuck am I kidding, we both know it wouldn't mean shit"

It was now Toms turn to snap.

"How the fuck would you know if I meant it or not?! Huh? Your too busy dictating who you think I am you don't even take in consideration how you have made me feel or anyone for that matter, but oh who are we kidding we both know that you could care less about that" he sneered, mocking her in the last sentence, as he waved his hands around in the air.

"Tom? Hurt? Nooo" she placed a hand over her chest in a sarcastic manner.

"Quit being a fucking heartless bitch Anzelika"

The blinding rage in her had returned. She couldnt think, she just did. She flew towards Tom, who this time grabbed her and smashed her against the wall, pinning her by her arms. He held on tightly, while she squirmed under him.

"LET ME GO!"  she yelled

"Not until you calm the fuck down!" Tom yelled back.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do, let go of me Tom or so help me god-"

"Oh so help me what? You'll kill me? Kick me? Punch me? Bite me? Ooo big deal we both know that's bullshit" he let a very dry laugh.

But that laugh was soon replaced by a scream as he felt a great pain on his bottom lip, before he felt himself get kicked back, falling back onto the bed. His hands flew up to his mouth, It was covered in blood. She had bitten the bottom part of his lip, quite hard, almost taking a chunk out of it. He felt the blood pouring out of his mouth slowly as he heard the sound of the bus doors opening and what sounded like the bus driver yelling after someone.

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