Meet Me At 9

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It's been three days since I've seen Julien, I'm bored out of my mind. We didn't exchange numbers, I assumed she would have passed by now. But then again, she hasn't explored every inch of this town like I have. I've been to every back alley, secret spot, housing estate and parking lot. She's got more to see than me. There is one place I haven't been, and that's the boarded-up factory by the far side of the river. I've never had people to come with me, not that I'm scared or anything, but I don't want to get murdered alone. 

Even though I've come to this town the past 3 summers, I don't have friends here. Everyone has already met each other through school, or living here full-time, you know?

Julien seems like a kid who'd be interested in abandoned places. I should get her to go with me. If I ever find her at least. Sounds like something I'll have to leave the house for. Ugh. But else do I have to be doing anyway? 

I tie up my Converse and walk into the village. Although these summers are supposed to be about spending time with my dad, he's working 6 days a week, getting up early and coming back when I'm not in a social mood.  I may as well have had the house to myself. Mum wouldn't be too happy if she found out the truth, but I quite like the peace and quiet. 

If I were Julien, where would I be?

I could ask around, see where she lives. But then again, that's a bit creepy. It's not like she searched me out. The village is particularly quiet today, a few people walking dogs and the odd child on a bike, nothing special. The pier walk is everybody's favourite, I'll look here.  The tide is out, and wet sand reflects the sparkling sun. I don't tend to wake up early enough to see sunrises, I love wasting days, they don't seem as long that way.  Plus, I'm more of a night person anyway. Then I saw it, a short figure walking down the pier. Golden-orange sun peeking through wisps of light hair. Ears with stretched, black jewellery-ed lobes. Unmistakably, Julien. Speak of an angel.

I ran up to her and scared her from behind. "Boo!" I yelled. She jumped and gasped. I laughed at her dramatic reaction. She slapped my shoulder. "Where have you been, Jul?" I whine of boredom. "Jul?" she repeated the nickname with a soft scoff. "What, do you prefer Jules?" I walked backwards, in front of her, so that we were face-to-face. She gave a disgusted expression. "Julie?" "Ew!" she laughed again, causing me to remember why I was here. "Listen, are you up for an adventure?" I stopped walking, forcing her to stop too. "Like?" Julien invited me to elaborate. "Like somewhere abandoned?" my voice went higher, ready for rejection. 

Her eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth curved into a smirk. "Fuck yes, where?" Julien and I made eye contact. The lightbulb in my head glowed with an idea. "Meet me at my house, 9pm, don't be late." I added to the mystery. "9pm?" Julien sighed. "What, is it past your bedtime?" I mocked in a childish voice, pouting my lower lip. "See you there Ali." She fake-smiled, the type where you're 7 years old in a family photo, showing off all your lost teeth. "See you later alligator!" I skipped away. "In a while, crocodile!" she called after me. 


I walked downstairs, with a backpack. "I'm going to Aliza's house for a sleepover!" I called out to my dad in the kitchen, hoping I could run out without being questioned. I figured we wouldn't be back until very late, so I could pass it off.  He stopped me in my tracks right away. "Who's Aliza?" He stared me down. "The-... friend I made, I told you about her, didn't I?" I lied through my teeth. Confusion is the best form of convincing. "I don't remember what I had for breakfast sweetheart but have fun. And no drinking." He warned, giving my not-so-sober history, a shout-out. I shut the door and began walking to Aliza's house. 

The front light glowed the tarmac driveway in front of her house. I knocked on the blurred-out glass and saw her figure rush to the door in excitement and swing it open. "I gotta' be back before 11, so we have to make this quick." She rushed me out, flashlight in hand. "I told my dad I was staying over at yours." I panicked. Ali's eyes lit up, "Give me one...second." she ran back inside. I tapped my foot both impatiently and nervously. Aliza was already suspicious, this just added to it. 

I started to realize what an idiotic idea this was, how naive I am. 

But hey, I don't have much choice. For the past three days I've been playing guitar and writing non-stop, I needed to get out.  

Ali finally came back out into the bright light. "Left a note, I'm staying at yours tonight." She winked, handing me two sleeping bags, packed tightly in a dense duffle bag.

 "We're both sleeping the night with the ghosts of wherever you're bringing me?" I guessed. "Wow, Jul. You are smart!" Aliza patted me on the back, leading me out of her driveway and onto the road. Be cool about it I told myself. I felt a need to impress Aliza, to be ambitious and spontaneous. I thought about the pros and cons in my head to keep me calm. Trying to be cool about it but feeling like an absolute fool. 

We strolled along grassy paths and a bridge until we reached a metal gate. "What happens now?" I sigh, seeing it's locked. "Hop a fence, you're 17, not a cop." Ali began hoisting herself up and swung a leg over like it was no big deal. Granted, she was a lot taller than me. The flashlight beam wobbled, like my knees. "Come on, you can do it, throw me over your bags!" She encouraged. I did as I was told and begun climbing. I pulled myself up, kicking my legs like a toddler in a swimming lesson, until I got my butt to the top bar.

I swung my leg over with so much force that...

"Fuck!" I yelled, eyes shut tight as they could, I dropped all at once. "I got you, you okay?" Ali whispered, with genuine concern. I opened my eyelids to see her un-flatteringly lit-up face staring back at me, both my legs over her left arm and my back held up by her right hand. It was like Shaggy and Scooby Doo. My cheeks flushed pink as I scrambled onto my legs. "Yep, yes. All good." I babbled. She smiled as she picked up her backpack and flashlight, which, may I add, she dropped to catch me. She dropped everything just to catch my foolish ass. "You're an idiot Julien." She shook her head, turning to the big boarded-up building. "I know." I nodded, wondering what I'd agreed to. 

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