"You look like one." He replied, receiving a scoff and shove from the boy.

"Dude. At least be on my side-"

"In a good way." Alec fixed his sentence, grinning like a child having banter with its best friend. "Go find the others, i got someone i need to speak with." Charlie nodded, glancing down at his shirt in uncertainty before he huffed and puffed out his chest, deciding to simply own the outfit.

Charlie walked towards the main area of the Institute and found Jace, Simon, Clary and Izzy all stood by some weapons rack. He frowned and approached before his eyes widened in slight awe of the weapons that were there.

"Ooh, snazzy." He mumbled, reaching out to grab one from behind Izzy, but his hand was slapped and Jace looked at him firmly.

"Don't you start." Charlie chuckled and nodded his head.

"Alright, alright." The blonde boy allowed his hand to fall back to his side, sighing softly as he let his eyes examine the weapons instead.

"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." Isabelle suddenly said before the sound of fast approaching footsteps rang out behind them.

"I don't approve of this mission." Alec called out, stopping where he stood behind Clary and Simon. "I spoke with the Clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear, the little girl and Charlie do not leave the premises."

"Hey, my name is not little girl, okay? And why does Charlie get to have his name said?" She complained before scoffing further. "I don't care what that Clave thing or you want, i'm going to find Dot."


"Why are you not helping me?" Clary spun around and glared daggers at Charlie, poking his chest harshly as her anger towards her older brother began to bubble. "It's your Mom that's missing, too, remember? And Dot, after all she's done for you?!"

"Stop it." Charlie begged quietly, already knowing that Jocelyn wasn't his mother and that Dot preferred Clary over him.

"No, no. Tell me. Tell me! Why won't you put more of an effort to find Mom?!" Clary screamed at Charlie's face, the boy clenching his jaw and fists as to not straight up swing for Clary. He knew that if he punched her, he would cause more damage.

Although, her pale face would look great with a dashing of red.

"Alright, break it up." Jace urged Charlie to step backwards, something that made the blonde man scowl and slap Jace's hand away. "Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary and Charlie, they're not safe outside alone."

"Jace has a point." Isabelle spoke almost regretfully as she was disagreeing with her brother.

"Et tu, Izzy?" Alec asked, his brows scrunched up with hurt. His hazel eyes gravitated towards Charlie, who was simply looking at him with a hurt expression of his own. 

Clary's words were raoming within Charlie's mind, but what hurt him more was the fact he hadn't punched Clary for being so self-obsorbed.

"All right," Alec scowled as he turned to face Clary, "since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?"

"We should start at Dot's apartment in Greenpoint," Clary nodded, staring off into the void - of sorts - as she thought, "and there's this thrift store that she-" Clary cut herself off by gasping, the purple rock beginning to glow under the redhead's grasp.

"Clary?" Charlie called out, but he received no response. "If i slapped her, would she know?"

"You're not slapping your sister." Jace huffed and shook his head in slight disappointment, hating how Charlie immediately thought to do that.

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