"Before the official execution, I would like to recognize someone," Mark said, holding his sword in his right hand as he stood next to the platform. His face was stone cold and expressionless, but there was the unmistakable look of fiery anger in his eyes whenever he looked at Woohyun, making everyone around him feel extra wary of accidentally upsetting the king.

"Park Jisung, please step forward."

Jisung jumped, looking bewildered. Everyone in the crowd whispered amongst themselves. After a moment of regaining his senses, Jisung slowly stepped out of the line of guards he was standing in, straightening his shoulders and trying his best to appear confident.

"Without the help of Jisung, the queen surely would have died last night. It is thanks to him that the guards were able to regain consciousness and come to save me and the queen's life, and for that, I will forever be truly thankful to him."

Jisung flushed, looking up nervously as Mark came to stand in front of him. The king just gave him a reassuring smile, reaching out to pat his shoulder before gesturing for him to kneel. Jisung sunk down to one knee quickly, hanging his head and awaiting whatever Mark would do next.

"I owe a great debt to you, Sir Jisung. Please know that you can come to me with any request you desire, and I shall grant it to you, to repay you for your heroic deed."

"Thank you for your great generosity, Your Majesty," Jisung stuttered, keeping his head bowed. Mark just grinned and used his sword to knight him, before gesturing for him to stand again.

"In order to recognize his bravery and loyalty to the crown, I hereby promote Park Jisung to general of the royal guard. I trust that under John's care and training, he would make a great successor as the next leading Captain of the imperial army."

The crowd applauded. Jisung stiffened, turning and bowing to the king one last time before he was sent back to his place in line. Jeno, who was standing next to him, clapped a hand against his shoulder and whispered a soft, "I knew you could do it, kid". Jisung swelled with pride, trying his best to hide his smile as the moment passed and the ceremony turned solemn once again.

"Now, onto the execution," Mark said, his tone turning steely again as he approached Woohyun. The alpha, just like his partner that had been executed before him, didn't show any signs of fear as he sat and awaited to be killed. In fact, he had the hint of a smile on his face, something that only served to enrage Mark even further.

"Kim Woohyun has been found guilty of all of his crimes. The punishment for his act of treason is death."

Woohyun smirked, lifting his head and only saying one thing. "I regret nothing, and if given the chance, I would do it all a million times over, Your Majesty."

Mark's vision went red with anger. In an instant, he lifted his sword and swung through the air, slicing through Woohyun's neck and instantly ending his life. Some people in the crowd gasped. The guards all stood stock still and showed no expression on his face.

Heaving in a lungful of air, Mark shoved the bloody sword into a nearby servant's hands before storming off back inside the palace, trying to shake off his rage and anxiety as he allowed the servants to change him into clean robes.

At least now, he would be able to go back to Donghyuck, and spend the rest of the day by his side. That was the thought that motivated him to move quickly, rushing back through the palace hallways with an anticipatory smile growing on his face.

But when he returned to the bedroom, Donghyuck was gone, and all of his personal items had been removed from the room. Realization washed over Mark, and his heart sunk to his feet, making him frantic as he took off down the hall towards Donghyuck's personal bedroom.

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