"Don't let your hard work end here," Son Goku added.

"Be calm. Every Genjutsu has a weakness," Gyuki agreed.

"Kit, that Hyuga is waiting for you." Kurama finished.

Sasuke's eyes flashed grey. Right, Genjutsu. Breaking out of one isn't just as simple as feeling pain, since he's being boiled alive, but also expelling Chakra. It's about Chakra disruption, he needs to mess with his own flow of Chakra to be able to finally see the difference between Genjutsu and reality.

It really had been a long time since he used Genjutsu if he has to go back to the basics. There were a multitude of ways to do this, and Sasuke had access to the best kind. Closing his eyes he brought his left hand up to cover his clenched right.

Collect the chakra and feed it through your system. Natural Chakra flows all around him, while he can't see it at this moment he could sure as hell feel it. Dark grey marks grew on his face and formed stripes. 

Snapping his eyes open, his Sharingan had a grey outline and a slit for pupils. He expelled his Chakra violently, releasing him from the Genjutsu. Gulping up the fresh air, he glared up at his Father who looked anything but impressed.

"An Uchiha who struggles to break out of Genjutsu…Hn," Fugaku grunted.

Sasuke ran the fight back through his head. He at no point made eye contact, so perhaps like Itachi, Fugaku could use another point on his body. Where were the go-to places to look? The hands and face.

OK… let's try this again.

He charged again, moving faster than before, and clashed with his Father. Now he was watching the man's body language, not his eyes or hands. 

Fugaku went to kick Sasuke, who jumped up and spun before slamming his sword down. Fugaku leant back barely dodging the swing, turning to kick Sasuke who was upside down from the air. Sasuke lifted his other hand catching the kick and slammed his feet onto the ground before using the momentum to throw Fugaku overhead and into the ground cracking the floor.

From the cracks burst a pillar of flames causing Sasuke to jump back and expel his Chakra again. He watched as the flames dissolved into nothing.

Fugaku stood behind Sasuke. So it wasn't just, Hands or eyes. Where else could it be?

"It seems you've forgotten who taught your brother everything he knows," Fugaku stated. "Any part of you can be a pivotal point if you’re smart enough," 

Any point… he kept moving it. As far as Sasuke was aware, just looking at Fugaku was enough to get caught in a Genjutsu. Very well then. With sage mode came the added bonus of Chakra Sensing. Sasuke took off His Scarf and tied it around his eyes.

If looking was going to put him in a Genjutsu, then he wouldn't look at all. Shutting off his sense of vision seemed to only amplify his Chakra sensing ability. He could see the Chakra flow through the ground and into the trees. But he could also see the Chakra flowing through Fugaku.

"A wise decision. Let's see if you can use it well," He grumbled. "Fire style: Great Flame Flower!" 

Jumping high into the air, Fugaku released a multitude of massive fireballs that rained down on Sasuke. Relying on the Chakra he could sense from each ball, Sasuke threw a multitude of Kunai straight up towards Fugaku teleporting and weaving through the flames.

"Fire style: Great fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke released a huge Fireball. Larger than all the flames sent before up into the sky to Fugaku, who had nowhere to run.

Landing on a tree branch. Sasuke pulled down his scarf to look at the damage. As the smoke cleared, it revealed a large red Skeletal arm that was clearly protecting the user.

Messing with the Middleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें