Part 12

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The flight to Oriande was long and slightly boring, well to Lance it was... For Coran and Lotor it was a silent battle on what would happen to Lance.

'Lance you should totally rizz up Lotor.' Is what Red randomly said in the mind link.

'Red what the actual-' Lance was caught off guard and covered his laugh with a cough causing the two men to look at him.

'WAIT HEAR ME OUT- You know how Lotor is all princy and stuff?' Red purred, pleased with her plan.

'Yeah?' Lance couldn't help but be slightly intrigued with her plan.

'Rizz him up and become the prince of the Galra. Easy peasy.' Red purred this and if she could make facial expressions she would be grinning.

'Red I love you but what the fuck.'

'No because then, cause you're like Altean, there will be like a peace treaty and everything will be fixed!'

'Red what the fuck.'

'Am I wrong?' Lance paused at the thought Red transferred. She wasn't wrong... But there was no way in Altea he was doing that.

'No but- Just be quiet.' Lance groaned through the mind link only for Red to laugh at his suffering.

'Lotor and Lance sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G' Red snickered as she sang this.

'.....I wish that lava I jumped in killed me.' Lance groaned and Red laughed at his pain.

'L' Red cackled as she watched Lance suffer.

'I hate you.'

'Love you too~'

Eventually Lance was broken out of his argument with Red by the prince.

"Lance... are you alright? Your face seems to be quite warm-" Came the concerned voice of Lotor, who was blissfully unaware of what blushing was.

"Fine! Red was just teasing-" Lance quickly said, wishing Lotor hadn't picked the fact up.

"Red? You can talk to your lion?" Lotor was a bit confused, no other paladin had been able to do this...

"Ah, yes. I have a strange connection with my lion..." Lance trailed off, not wanting to reveal much to the Galren prince.

"WE ARE HERE-" Coran cut in, shoving Lotor out of Lance's view. Lotor glared at Coran, but the energetic Altean stuck his tongue out.

"Ah, me and Lance must depart alone-" Lotor said, taking Lance's hand and leading him to a ship.

The glare Coran sent Lotor was unmatched.


It had been a few hours since the duo left, leaving Coran alone with his thoughts.

Of course, his moping was interrupted by the beeping of the ship. Signaling a call.

"Allura..?" Coran's voice was horse as he looked at the princes through the call.

"We're coming back."


Lance collapsed after about an hour of walking up the many stairs Oriande had.

"Why. Are. There. So. Many. Stairs." Lance groaned.

About halfway up the climb, Lance's connection to Red had glitched. And as much as Lance hated to admit it, he missed the annoying Lion.

"Well you see-" Lotor started rambling the history, not noticing the pissed off Lance behind him.

As the two walked into the weird hallway looking thing, Lance noticed a giant White Lion spirit thing.

"Uh Lotor-"

"-And they built this place-"


"-My ancestors being as powerful as they were-"


--Sry for short chapter, I've been busy (I've done two plays and it's hot) and I have a week of camp (No tech) so I prob won't update for a while again.--

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