Part 2

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The team left the next day, not even sparing Lance a goodbye. Lance was fine with that though. He and Coran were sitting at the bridge reviewing their revenge plan, they both agreed that if it worked or if it didn't that the two wouldn't forgive them for leaving them without a second thought, and just overall being jerks.

"First things first, we should clean the ship" Lance finally pointed out, his voice stern and calm. This took Coran by surprise, what did Lance mean by 'we' mostly he was left to clean by his lonesome.

"We?" Coran questioned, unsure if that is what the red paladin had meant to say.

"Coran, you gorgeous man, you are not cleaning this ship by yourself." Lance chirped back, his goofball personality shining through. If Lance had asked how Coran felt in that moment he would have responded saying he could cry with joy. Not once had anyone thought twice about helping him, and he knew if he had been left with any other paladin they would leave him alone to clean.

"Thank you lance." Coran smiled, smoothing his mustache and grinning "Now where do we start?" The two quickly started in the med bay, wiping down the glass and cleaning blood from the bases of the healing pods. This quickly became boring for Lance, causing him to look over at Coran quickly with an idea.

"Coran?" Lance spoke cutting through the once again silent room. Coran sighed thinking that Lance was done helping him, he appreciated the offer but there was still so much left. "Would you mind teaching me Altean while we clean?" This question surprised Coran, and a smile bloomed on his face. No paladin, not even the princess came to him for help, and not one person had helped him clean. Corans happiness was through the roof.

"Ah! Yes! I would love to help number 3!" Coran couldn't hide the joy in his voice, this caused Lance to grin at Coran.

"You gave me an idea!" He grinned standing up from his cleaning position "We should give each other nicknames!"

"YES!" This was probably the most anyone has interacted with Coran since he fell out of his pod, and Coran knew Lance wouldn't abandon him the minute his 'team' came back.

"I came up with a wonderful idea! I shall call you," As Lance did this he summoned his bayard and turned it into a sword, tapping both Corans shoulders and then his head leaving Coran severely confused, "Seguro." Lance finally finished, then retracted his bayard and took a bow. Coran stood there in minor shock before shaking it off and smiling.

"Filius, is what I'll call you." Coran said with a smile, and if that meant son in Altean, Lance didn't need to know that.

"Well Serguro, we should get cleaning! The faster we do it the faster we can do other things!" Lance returned to cleaning, and Coran did the same, questioning the adoption laws in space.


It took about 3 earth hours for the med bay and bridge to get cleaned, but it was worth it. The two had made the castle look brand new, everything practically shined. The two sat down admiring their work, before they decided to find some food.

"Sergurooooooo, I'm hungryyyyy." Lance whined, ever since the nickname chat Lance had insisted on calling Coran that, and Coran responded with his nickname for Lance. Coran felt as if a warm flower had blossomed in his chest whenever he heard the young paladin say his nickname.

"Filius, what's your favorite food?" Coran said grinning, and Lance returned that grin with another, but slightly more feral. Then he proceeded to pull out an uno reverse card and repeated the question to Coran. Coran, unaware of Earth's culture blinked twice and questioned the brunet's antics, and Lance, horrified that Coran didn't know uno, forced him to play uno. The duo played for an hour before they remembered the fact they hadn't eaten anything. Lance insisted on making an Altean dish, and Coran pulled out a uno reverse card saying they should make an Earth dish.

They ended up attempting to make spaghetti and meatballs, Lance also ended up teaching Coran the art of memes to later be used against the rest of the team. They both enjoyed each other's company, singing California girls, and Lance may or may not have shown Coran how to twerk.

The pasta turned out great, the meatballs were perfect and the two were content. Well that was before Voltron called in, saying how amazing they were.

"Hey Coran, can you do something for us?" Was the first thing Shiro said directed at the duo when they walked into the bridge. Coran prevented himself from pulling out an uno reverse card and twerking and tried to answer civilly.

"Sure, what do ya need?" He chirped with false happiness, Lance sent a look at Corans way letting Coran know Lance was there for him.

"You're gonna need to watch over the castle another month, maybe more... ok bye." Shiro immediately ended the call leaving the two in silence.



"Am I wrong?"



They finished cleaning the castle, the two stressed cleaning into the night, not stopping, Lance managed most of the Altean language because they talked almost non-stop while cleaning. The next morning, they collapsed on eachother in a cuddle pile, sleeping through the next day and night.

They deserved it.

Red's Adopted Son (WIP)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant