"no like, miguel asked me on a date and i said no." sam says but before she could finish her sentence daphne cut her off.

"what? you said no? i'm so confused right now. why would you say no to miguel? i don't even like miguel like that and i wouldn't say no. hes a sweetheart." daphne says pacing up and down her room.

"daphne. let me finish." sam pleads. "ok, ok." daphne says sitting down again.

"he asked me on a date and i said no. then he came back and said why don't we just hangout as friends and i said yes. but now i regret not saying yes to the date, i want to go on a date with him, but what if he now thinks i don't like him so it's just friendly you know?" sam says.

"i get it. maybe just... i don't know sam i really don't have any experience with this. maybe just hint that you wish it was a date or something. i'm sure if it was meant to be a date something will happen, it's called fate sam." daphne says.

"okay well thanks anyway." sam says before standing up walking towards the door.

"you're welcome. per usual." daphne says rolling her eyes.

"daphne, your time will come i promise. i can guarantee you one day you'll be coming into my room getting ready to go on a date with somebody you really like. and whoever that may be, they will be super lucky to have you." sam says whilst smiling before leaving.

"thank you." daphne says before going back to her book. after that she could not get sam's words out of her head. for some reason whilst sam was talking her mind immediately went to robby. why was that? daphne had no idea but she had certainty not felt this feeling before. and she did not like new feelings.

whilst she was reading she got a text message and suprise suprise it happened to be from the one and only boy himself.

hey daphne will you be able to help
me with something??

sure what do you need help with?

just come to the dealership and don't tell your dad

he's not home anyway but i'm on my way

daphne went downstairs and snuck out the back door so she wouldn't get questioned by her mom.
she grabbed her skateboard from the side of the house and skated towards the dealership. whilst she was skating she was thinking to herself how two people tonight have asked for her help. she must be a pretty important person in other peoples lives. this was definitely something she wasn't used to and what a confidence boost it was.

as she arrived at the dealership she saw robby standing there pacing back and fourth still in his shirt from his shift earlier.

"hey everything alright?" she says kicks up her board and he walked right over to her.

"yeah, i'm gonna explain everything to you right now but we've got to be fast." robby says with a slightly panicked voice.

after he explained everything to daphne about how his friends want to steal shit from her family dealership she was definitely ready to kick some ass with her short temper.

daphne and robby waited somewhere hidden until they saw them run up to the side door of the dealership. they followed until they heard one of his friends speak up.

"where the hell is he at?" trey said looking around. "i don't know." cruz said panting as they had both just been running.

"i'm right here." robby said walking up to them with daphne standing by his side.

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