All Dogs Go To Heaven

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"An animal out here. What, you think it came for the sailing?" Dean asked and the Detective stares at him. 

The next day, Dean and I were asleep at the motel until we woke up to see Ben was on his laptop. "All right. So, we know that werewolves are basically ID gone wild, right? I mean, whoever they hate, they kill when they wolf out. So, I've been playing connect the victims." Ben tells us.

"And?" Dean and I asked, wiping the sleep out of our eyes, as Ben puts his paperwork into a briefcase. "And I think I found a common denominator. So come on. Uh..." Ben said and he tosses us some ID's. "Get the lead out, huh?" he tells us. "Let us get dressed, Robocop." Dean tells him as we get up.

I pull out my phone and saw a text from Peyton and I read it.

Everything went well. Kids had a good first day back. And you'll be happy to know that I made sure everything is safe and secure. I even had Bobby come help me..

I give a proud smile and text her back.

​​​​Glad to hear. We just woke up. And we might be on this case a bit longer. Tell the kids their dad and I love them. And also to behave.

I put away my phone, got up and got ready for the day.

Later, we pulled up and park outside a house. Ben gets out carrying a gun, which he puts into the back of his pants, and Dean and I follow him. We walk to the house and knock at the door, then a woman carrying a young boy answers.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked and we show her our ID. "Is Cal Garrigan at home? We've got a few questions we'd like to ask him." Ben said. "Yeah. Um, come in." the woman said, with a smile, and she leads us into her house.

Once inside, she sets the boy down in the kitchen and hands him a toy while a German Shepherd is lying on a dog bed. "Honey, um, why don't you go play in your room for a little while, okay?" the woman tells her child and she clears toys from the kitchen table.

"Excuse the mess. Please sit." She said as she gestures to a table. "Oh, it's alright, ma'am. We understand. We have kids of our own." I said as I gesture between me and Dean while we sat down.

"Um...can I get you guys anything?" she asked us. "No, thank you. Um, so Cal is your boyfriend?" Dean asked. "That's right." the woman replied. "And where is he?" Dean asked her. "Uh, sleeping, I think." she said, thinking. "You mind telling him up and at 'em? He's got some guests." said Dean. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." she said. 

She starts to leave the room, but stops as Cal clears his throat and enters, with a hand to his head. "Cal..." she said as the German Shepherd growls and barks once. "Lucky, shh!" Cal said and Lucky growls again.

"These are Agents..." The woman goes to explain but I finish her sentence. "Holt, Neff and Wilson. Morning...ish." I said. "Hey. What's this?" Cal asked us, although he looked hungover. "You out late last night, Cal?" Dean asked him as Cal pours himself some coffee. "Just, uh, you know, a couple beers with friends." he said.

"How many's a couple?" I asked. "I don't know. Three, four tops." Cal said, shrugging. "If all you had was beer, then how come you're sweating vodka? And looks to me like you slept in those clothes. Am I right?" Ben asked him. "I don't know. I – I guess." Cal said, unsure.

"So what you're saying is, you got blind drunk, you blacked out. Something tells me this isn't the first time." Dean said. "So, Cal, truthfully, who knows what you've really been up to at night?" Ben asked him.

"Look, what's this about?" asked Cal. "We're investigating the death of Ronald Garrigan." I tell him and Cal seemed taken aback. "My brother?" he asked and he and his girlfriend look at each other and she shrugs.

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