Chapter 7

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Amelia whipped her head around as fast as she could, making her world spin for a second. Her blood turned cold at the sight of a shadowed figure. The dark gray sky behind the being lit up. Lightning slashed across the sky, illuminating the forest floor. Giving Amelia one chance to see that familiar face.

"I know you."

"Yes you do, your highness..." Amelia had been lucky enough to chane back right after getting out of the water. Sweat beaded at her forehead, and her heart started racing, 'why him!'.

"What is a beautiful lady as yourself doing in an abandoned fairy temple," The prince began, "In the middle of fairy territory, at night?"

He walked closer to Amelia, yet stopped when she stepped back away from him. She saw his face more clearly now. He looked more tired then the last time she saw him. Dark bags now slept at the bottom of his blue eyes. His hair was ruffled and messy, like he kept trying to fix it but gave up. And his clothes, clothes Amelia thought a Prince would never even think of wearing. He dressed in dark brown leathered and teared slacks, his shirt plain white yet stained and dusty.

"I could ask the same of you my highness," Amelia jabbed at him, "I live in the forest, and i was just travelling... before my horse ran off on me..."

Amelia blushed at her current situation. her horse was off somewher, far away from her, leaving her in the middle of the forst, next to the overgrown temple, alone, with the human prince in-front of her. She gripped her skirt tightly and averted her gaze away from his peircing one.

The prince could only stiffle a laugh before he answered, "Well im on my way to the Ice kingdom in the mountains," He answered nodded his head towards north, to the large over towering mountains, "Royal bussiness, since im the only one with the brains to do royal bussiness."

"In the north?" Amelia gasped out, that was exactly where she was going. What were the chances! What bussiness did the humans have with the ice fairies ontop of the mountain.

"You seem surprised, im assuming that was were you were heading," He chuckled again and started getting closer again, "Until youre horse ran away."

Amelia looked up, he was a foot infront of her now, her skin cold and sweaty. Her eyes strained to look up from her current position. He was noticiable taller than her, it intimadated her. It scared her. knowing that this man right here, infront of her, is possibly responsible for the murders of her friends, of her village. Their eyes met, blue clashing with darker blue. Her heart sank as she looked past his arm. A thunderous sound from the distance became increasingly closer.

Rows of men on horse-back, some in armor other not. Wagons full of supplies and other needs galloped in front of the forest and surrounded both her and the prince. All of them, staring at her. Her throat closed up and she took another step back, but this time, she didnt feel the ground.

Her back hit the water fast and she started to panic. Her clothes now wet and sticking to her skin, she felt her throat close up. She was suddenly pulled up and gently placed on the ground, she looked up frantically and her dark blue eyes met lighter blue ones. The prince was only 2 feet away from her, his pants now darker due to the water soaking it. She made a noise in the back of her throat, a squeak, and leaned way from him, yet stayed where she was.

"Though you may live here," The prince said in his low rumbling voice, "It does not seem so, why don't you stay with us for the night?"

The prince waved out to his men, "We have call set up a few minutes away, and i doubt you will survive out here long enough to see morning miss Jones,"

Even though Amelia wanted to refuse, and lord did she almost. She knew he was right, the forest is a dangerous place her a young fairy, and as of right now she knew that in the men's eyes, she was only human. So she nodded her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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