Chapter 3

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Amelia freaked out, panic rising up her throat making it hard to breathe. How could she be so stupid? How could this happen? Out of all the people to help her? A Royal.

  She couldn't move, to scared too. The voice asking if she was ok was barely audible, she felt like she was under water. She needed to get down and run. Being this close to a Royal of all humans was to dangerous.

  The human who was right next to her gently shook her shoulder to get attention from her. Amelia quickly snapped out of her state of panic. Of course she was still scared and could barely move but she knew how to calm herself down. Somewhat.

"Are you ok, you started breathing heavily," The prince stopped his horse to make sure she was ok, "Was it because i told you i am the prince?"

Amelia stared up at him for a good minute before choking on her own spit, "Y-yeah, i wasn't expecting a prince to help me and take me to their home, i assume."

The prince smiled slightly and gave the horse a light kick. They were off again.

  "I must say, having someone who doesn't know you are the prince around here is quiet strange," He said in a slightly amused voice, "You must be from out of town or you must be in Brandavia for the Holy Moon Festival?"

  "Y-yes i'm from the eastern empire of Calus, we specialize in festivals and i was dying to see your great kingdoms best festival of the year," Amelia tried to think of everything she knew of the eastern kingdom, she knew they were known for parties, food, and festivals of all kind. She's heard stories from drunk fairies from around the empire. Amelia also knew that the Holy Moon Festival was a very popular festival, again why all the Inns were booked.

  The Holy Moon Festival was to show the peoples love for the Goddess of the Moon. The Moon Goddess was one of two Gods who looked over the Western Kingdom. In the early stages of Brandavia, the Moon Goddess promised the king of the time great prosperity for the kingdom, if the people worshipped her. And the people did. The Moon Goddess was known for her beauty, intelligence, and her love for parties. So every year the Royal Family of Brandavia would throw a huge festival to show the moon goddess that they still worshipped her and would never forget all she did for them. The party was popular for its food and amazing performances, one of the reasons why Amelia wanted to come to the city at the time. To experience the festival.

  "Well i hope you do find yourself to enjoy it here, i was actually the one who planned everything out," The prince looked proud of himself somewhat, "Since my brother, The King, was too busy with... Royal duties."

  Amelia was about to ask what the last thing he said mean before the horse abruptly stopped. Amelia frantically looked around her surroundings. They stopped in front of a golden gate that was covered up in vines and flowers. The gate itself didn't looked like it was used very often, but just enough that the vines spilt when the gate opened. Amelia was sure this wasn't the main gate, but one that was used to sneak in or out, like what she was doing with the prince.

  "We are going to have to walk from here if we don't want go get caught," the prince lifted his hands to Amelia so he could grab onto her to lift her down.

  Amelia jumped down herself before he could help her, "Why are we sneaking in if you are the prince?"

Prince Beilschmidt rubbed the back of his neck with a frown on his face, "My bruder permitted me from going out on my own at night so i sneak out," he looked quite embarrassed to say that.

"He's always so concerned with fairies and other creatures that they could get me, after what happened to my father with an elf, he's been on high watch with me."

He started to walk into a vast garden with Amelia right behind him. She inwardly cringed at the naming of fairies and elves.

"He doesn't understand that fairies and elves don't harm us humans unless we harm them.."

Amelia was taken back by that statement while being careful not to step over any beautiful white lilies, "Are you saying that Fairies are harmless, because if that's what you are saying i agree."

The prince laughed sadly, "We have done so many harmful things to fairies, that we deserve what they could do to us."

An awkward silence fell over the two and it didn't stop until the Prince and the Fairy were inside the grand palace.

Amelia was in awe she'd never seen such beauty in a building before.

The floor beneath them was a beautiful white marble with a blue rug with gold patterns in it. The tall walls filled with paintings of animals, nature, and what she could assume past kings and queens. Patterns in the walls were made with real gold that shimmered and shined in the flame light. She looked up to the ceiling that had angels and other godly figures painted in such beautiful pictures that she would dream of. Pillars on the sides were engraved with such detail Amelia could look at them for hours and could still find something new. Candle chandeliers  hang from the ceilings emitting great light over everything. The hallway was decorated with a multitude of flowers and other plants to give it an earthy feeling. Amelia could stare here forever. She looked up to her left and stared at a beautiful painting of a red stag, a strong looking red stag with moss growing on its antlers.

  Amelia only the. realized what she was wearing in such a palace. She must of been an eyesore. Her only patched up cloak but dirty, the white dress she was wearing underneath it was cut up at the bottom, and she wasn't wearing any shoes! She could get the floors dirty.

  "Your royal highness i must admit your palace is quite beautiful, and i am dirty and do not belong in here," Amelia softly said while staring at the ceiling, "I do not want to contaminate anything with my filth."

"Oh not to Worry, i can have a trusty maid of mine to start a bath and give you clean clothes," The prince walked over to the wall and knocked on it, to Amelia's amaze a door opened out of the wall and a servant peeked her head out. The prince whispered something and the door disappeared into the wall yet again.

  "Now if you follow me i will show your to the room you will be staying in, there my Maid Elizabeth will fetch you and show you were to wash up," The prince gestured down the hallway for her to start following him.

  As they entered a beautiful room the Prince stopped next to the door, "I am afraid i have to go, so the guards don't assume i am missing," He sheepishly smiled at Amelia, "But before i go i must ask one thing."

"And what is that," Amelia hummed while looked the decorations of her new room.

"Your name?"

"Amelia Jones."

"Well good night Amelia Jones, i shall see you tomorrow." With the the tall prince was gone. Amelia was confined to her room and had time to look around before the maid picked her up.

A few minutes later a knock was heard at her door and the door opened. A tall beautiful made with chocolate brown curled hair and fairly tanned skin walked in. She looked around 27-30 years old. She had the most beautiful green eyes anyone could want. And a adorably kind smile.

  "Hello there, I'm Elizabeth and i will show you to the bathing room."

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