Chapter 4

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"My name is actually Erzsébet, but most call me Elizabeth since it's more common," Erzsébet frowned but shook it away and replaced it with a smile.

"I heard from the little prince that you are a guest," Erzsébet took Amelia's hand gently and led her out of the room to room across. She opened the large dark oak doors and tugged Amelia in, "I help with a lot of the guests when they come to the palace so don't worry."

  Amelia was in awe on how beautiful the bathroom was. At home Amelia would go to the Ancient bath pond where her ancestors would go, the place was beautiful but she was used to the beauty. But this bathroom has gold and marble. The "tub" itself was engraved in the ground with lily pads floating on top. The floor was made of marble and small streaks of gold. A large hole in the wall gave a lookout over the city with its own balcony. The bright moon was glowing over the corners of the room that the light from the candles would not reach. A soft scent of lavender from the water wafted through the air.

  Amelia's search for other details were cut off when a sudden sound of the door being closed spooked Amelia. She turned her head over to the door to see Erzsébet with a pile of neatly folded clothes in her hands.

  "These are for after your bath, the towels over on the chair are for to dry up," Erzsébet gestured over to the chair nestled in the corner, "When you are done with everything, go to your room and there will be food waiting."

And with that Amelia was left alone in the bathroom. Standing In the middle of the steamy room, confused. So much has happened to her in the last hour or so, to fast for her to comprehend.

After a few minutes of Amelia just standing she decided to strip of her current clothing and stepped into the bath. The water was warm, probably due to the coals burning underneath. She settled down on one of the steps. The water up to her chest.

It took Amelia awhile to finish her bath, the warm water was sucking her in. She got out and completely dried off, she stared at the clothing that was left on the floor. It was a simple white night gown with flowing sleeves. She looked at her self in the ceiling high mirrors on the walls. She looked very different than what she normally looked like. Her back hurt, from the wings being hid for too long. She needed them to be free. Even if it was for a little bit, it would help.

Heading to the room she was staying in, a smell of meat was getting stronger as she drifted closer to the room. The door was already open. The first thing Amelia saw was a plate of food on the nightstand. A candle was lit next to it. Amelia closed the door and leaned back, her hands still on the doorknob. The plate of food was filled with meat, what looked like lamb, potatoes, and red type of sauce. Next to the plate was a glass of water and a small plate of what looked like cake, well Amelia didn't quite know what it was since she's never had cake.

Before Amelia barely moved from the door, she took her night gown off and let her wings free from their spell. Her transparent pink wings fluttered, feeling the air around them.

  Amelia walked over to the bed after making a slight adjustment to the nightgown so her wings can can still be free. Amelia grabbed the plates of food and brought them over to a chair and table by the window so she could looked outside while eating.

From her window, the tall frost bearing mountains, where the dragons roamed and the ice fairies lived, towered over the forests and meadows below. The palace was high enough to have a good view of the land afar. Flower meadows and forests were the closest things nearby. The dense Mushroom forest could be seen across the Great Valen River, a ways away, but still visible by the naked eye. If Amelia tried hard enough, to the west, she could see the mighty gates of the Elven Kingdom, tall strong stone statues, depicting past kings or queens, only the good ones. To the east the forest ended, making way to a large and dangerous desert that was home to only gods know what. A forbidden place, only the dumb would ever go there.

"Home," Amelia whispered as she ate, "I wonder what mom is doing."

Amelia finished her food and set the empty plate on a table next to the door. She dramatically fell down onto the soft bed and closed her eyes. Tomorrow was the first official day of the festival and she wanted to see the most of it while she was here.

   Sometime into the night Amelia must've fallen asleep, the next thing she knew sunlight had started to shine brightly into her eyes, waking her up. She groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes from the Rheum. Standing up slowly, she quickly hid her wings again before anyone could walk into her. Her wings felt more comfortable, now that they had rested for a night. Having been bonded by magic for such a long time took a toll on her.

  "How am i going to get out of here..." Amelia frowned and looked about the room. Perhaps  jumping out the window. She looked down onto the garden, three stories down. That wouldn't work, not without flying. She trudged to the door, sleep still pulling her body back from its normal state. But just before she could open the door itself, the door was thrown open by a strong force, pushing Amelia back.

  "Rise and shine madam!"A familiar voice sang through the air. Amelia shrieked and fell backwards.

"Oh my i am so sorry, " Erzsébet softly said with a hand over her mouth staring down at the fallen girl. She quickly helped Amelia back up to her feet and brushed some of the stray hair away from her face. Erzsébet put her hands on Amelia's shoulders and gave her a huge smile with her bright white teeth with the gal right in the middle of the two front ones.

"The prince asked for you to eat with him before you leave," Erzsébet ushered her to the bathroom gain where upon their enter Amelia found, "He seems infatuated with you and i find it adorable."

This time the clothes that were set out where a beautiful sea foam green silk dress with a ribbon in the middle and the sleeves flowing to her side. Amelia hastily put the beautiful dress on, the colors complimented her appearance quite well. Erzsébet insisted that she wore a corset but Amelia refused oppressively.
"I have never worn a corset in my life and i do not intend to wear one now," Amelia puffed out as Erzsébet brushed out the curls and knots in her hair, "It's to hard to breathe in and i need to breath, of course."
"I understand, and i agree, you without doubt are not from here, most woman no matter class wear corsets," Erzsébet snorted, she pulled Amelia's hair into a loose bun like style and put a small hair pin to keep it from falling, "Where are you from exactly, Amelia? I don't think i ever asked."

"Claus." Amelia lied quickly.

"Claus is a far ways away from here," Erzsébet murmured with a grim look on her face, "Well you look good enough, let's get you to the prince shall we."

Amelia nodded, not saying a word and got up to follow Erzsébet. The hallways were even more magnificent in the sunlight than the moon light.
Such a shame she would never get to see them again after today.

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