Chapter 1

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  The sky was clear and bright. The sun, with its blazing glory, shone down on her already tan skin. Her little giggles could be heard miles away. Little feet pattered through the tall, dense forest. Careful not to trip the little girl ran home before her mother would start to worry. In her arms a bundle of flowers of all different kinds, for her mother. Honey blonde locks filled with twigs and leaves. A Huge wide grin complemented by the freckles and the sapphire blue eyes. Very blue sapphire eyes.

  A small, homey cottage came into the view as the girl ran closer. Slight Transparent wings fluttered behind her. Wings that did not know how to work yet.

  The little girl giggled even more when a taller women came out of the cottage. This woman was quite beautiful, with blonde, brown, hair and a mole right on her chin. She had beautiful eyes, purple, like the lavender that grows in the fields far from their village. The older women's hair was tied up into a messy bun and was covered by a scarf, careful not to cover the long pointy ears. The women saw the little girl and sighed.

  "Amelie why do you have such twigs in your hair," The women leaned down to catch the running child in her arms, "You messed up your precious hair i worked on for hours this morning."

Francine, who was the taller women, picked up Amelia and rested her on her hip. She licked her thumb and wiped dirt off of Amelia's cheek. Francine gave her a large kiss on her freckled cheek, Amelia only giggled even louder.

  "But mama, i got all these flowers for you," Amelia exclaimed and pushed the bushel of flowers into her mothers face. Francine only frowned and set her child down on the forest floor, taking the flowers out of her face as well. She mumbled something as he stuck her hand out for Amelia to grab, to walk back into the house.

  "Mama! When i was running through the forest i saw HUGE horsies with armor on them!" Amelia jumped up and down, not containing her excitement at all. But her mother only paled. Horses with armor meant humans. Humans meant danger.

Francine only slightly trembled as she shut the slightly warped wooden door of their small cottage.

They were getting closer.

Through our history Humans and the creatures of the forest have never gotten along. When humans first came to the magical land, they were welcomed with open arms, by the fairies, elves and others. Humans and creatures traded fur, berries, and other very useful supplies. Humans were generally nice and thankful when the elves, with their amazing building skills and plans, helped Start towns and helped raise cities for the humans. All was well, until one king couldn't take the generosity anymore.

  Four human bound kingdoms stood tall and mighty. The northern kingdom, Olpyia, was known for their timber and coal production, but other than talking to the other countries for trade, they were awful quiet. The western Kingdom, Brandavia, was known for their military and strength. Gold was also found near their abundance of rivers and lakes. Giving their banners the blue and hood colors. The Eastern Kingdom, Calus, was known for their entertainment, food, and other lively projects for the humans to enjoy. They were the tourist attraction out of all the the kingdoms but they were also very important for trade with the other kingdoms on the other continents. With their lands being next to the ocean. The last and fourth Kingdom, the southern kingdom, also known as Scovanda, was known as the greedy kingdom. A kingdom with a heartless king. A kingdom isolated away from the others due to the Great Valen River.

  The king of Scovanda only cared about himself and his power. Abuse of power was a very common things among his linage of kings in the south. He never did any work, that was all up to his advisor, who made sure the king had all the power. Some even said the king had affairs with his advisor, causing an uproar with the queen. The people never had a say in anything. The ones who were rich enough to leave the kingdom to move somewhere else, did so. The others had to stay and suffer the wrath of the king.

  Due to the kings greedy behaviors, trading in the south was a tough process. "Natural" barricades in the rivers made it hard for the fairies and elves of the southern lands to trade with the north. All the supplies had to go through Scovanda, for the humans to safely send them across the raging river. Which of course cost money, lots of money.

The forest creatures started to grow tired of the amount of money for them to send out the berries and other materials to get traded. Most of the creatures started to rebel and just not sent materials anymore. Making the southern kingdom loose money at a rapid rate. Making the king and his advisor very mad.

  Fights started to occur between the tired and hungry humans and the frustrated creatures. The king only let them happen, ignoring the words of the kings of the other kingdoms. The Scovandan king only thought it was good if the Creatures knew their place.

  Through the years the fighting only gotten worse, and the king finally stepped in.

  Declaring war on the magical creatures was his worst idea ever, and his last.

The other Kingdoms agreed to help the southern king in fighting, since he was human. But when the southern king was finally assassinated by a forest elf, the three other kings decided it was enough fighting and backed off, they let the southern kingdom fall to the forest.

The war raged for at least 150 years, destroying the walls of Scodanvia, and the people who decided to stay in it.

Almost 1,000 years later, what's left of the kingdom has been taken over by trees, grass, and other plants. The kingdom has been made a new home for the creatures of the forest.

But the fighting between humans and the creatures never stopped.

  Brandavia and Calus both have their fair share of Fairy and Elven problems. Olypia, in the north, shut their boarders down and do not make contact with the other two kingdoms for an unknown reason, but everyone knows problems occur with the forest elves and the ice fairies.
Brandavian citizens have blamed and framed near by fairies for things they didn't do just to get the fairies in trouble. Calusian humans have caused even more trouble, straining the relationship between the two races.

  The New king of Brandavia, a white haired male, with red eyes like rubies, has tried his best to fix the problems his father and his grandfather before had caused. But fixing such problems over a little time will be close to impossible. With his ever growing illness that has consumed his body, he will have to ask his younger brother, to finish what he started, to help the creatures. But his brother is, oh, so young. To young to make such promises, to young to become a king if his brother dies. Too much pressure to fix the relationship and gain trust again.

"Creatures" and Humans will never get along. Never.

I did exactly what i didn't want to do and rushed, but it's ok.
it's bad but it's ok.

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