Chapter 2

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  "Mama.." Amelia cringed at her mother, her mother was giving her the angry face again.

"But Mama its only for a few days!" Amelia rushed to her mothers side, who was chopping up carrots and other vegetables for the dinner that night, "Ill be back right after i swear!"

Francine put the sharp knife down and looked at her beautiful daughter. She was frowning at Amelia, that is never a good sign.
"Honey I know you want to go and see the world yourself, but humans are dangerous and cannot be trusted under any circumstance."

Francine took and held Amelia's tanned slender hands. She gently rubbed them with her hands while she was in deep thought for a good minute.

Amelia watched her dear mother as she thought. She really did look like her mother, at least more than she had previously realized. Dark blonde wavy hair that sometimes curls if it feels like it, beautiful tan skin that was gifted by the sun goddess, and beautiful deep blue eyes that could mesmerize anyone. They both were also pretty tall for their kind.

"You know how i hate humans," Francine sighed and frowned again, looking at Amelia's hands, " After what they did you to brother and father..."

"Mama, that was many years ago and the humans who did that were dealt with," Amelia said gently to her mother, "Plus you promised me I could go to the human kingdom on my 18th birthday, and we'll, it was my birthday a week ago."

Francine did actually promise Amelia that she would be allowed to visit the human kingdom of Brandavia, since it was the closet kingdom of the 3 left. Brandavia might of had the strongest relationship with the forest kind, they weren't really strong at all. Humans still don't get along with fairies or elves. So going into the city, where the royal family lies isn't a great idea for a fairy like Amelia. Plus Amelia wasn't always a smart one, accidentally letting something slip that you were a fairy could result in loosing your life, which could lead to war, another long brutal war.

"Mama, i can hide my wings and ears easily, i mastered that sort of magic in school now, i would fit right in with the Humans!" Amelia moved her hair from her pointed ears and swiped her hand over them removing the point and causing them to look like a round human ear. As for her wings, that would take her removing her clothes to engrave them into her back, which wasn't painful, it was just a hassle.

Francine moved her hand to her daughters face and caressed her cheek. She knew there was so arguing with her daughter on this, Francine would loose anyways.

"All right, 4 days in the kingdom, Only four!" Francine put her hands on her hips and put a stern look on her face, "And if you don't come back in four days I will personally raise hell with that White haired king of that gods forsaken kingdom my self."

Amelia laughed and kissed her mothers cheek as a way of saying thank you. She helped her mother finish making dinner so Amelia could prepare for tomorrow morning. Her village wasn't far from the borders of the fairy forest and human kingdom. Plus, some kind humans do take other travelers to the kingdom on wagons for a small fee. She would have to wear some old ragged up cloak she found in her fathers closet, fairy clothing is quite... different to say, from the human fashion.

Honestly it's better.

The next morning came around  and Amelia was so very excited. This was her first trip without her mother or another family friend with her. Amelia made sure her wings and ears were hidden before putting on the cloak over top of the most boring bland clothes she found. She kissed her mothers cheek goodbye before leaving. All Amelia was taking was a small bag full of berries, coins, and an extra pair of clothing, just incase.

Finding the people with the wagon wasn't all too hard. They were always stationed on one spot on the main road about an hour away from Amelia's village, she made it in 50 minutes by running.

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