''So you know her, Kin.'' Naruto remarked and stood in front of the brunette. ''Sorry but I was testing the mental command ability and got a bit carried off.'' Naruto said and got Kin back up and standing. ''I'm leaving you and Tayuya to pair up, Kin. Make sure you don't disappoint me.''

Naruto walked down to his basement and continued trying to crack the Uzumaki clan seals. These particular seals was like blood magic, allowing you to modify certain parts of the body. Naruto could use it to fasten the aging process of newborns and make an army solely loyal to him. A mix of Inuzuka and Hyuga clan would be his loyal mindless minions. However, his knowledge of the secret arts was low and limited, a mere shadow of the Uzumaki before their downfall which was also a mere shadow of it's original form. Naruto sighed and decided to stop for the day. He stood up, walked to the other rooms and inspected.

In one room, Haku was training in how to use the ice jutsu he copied from the Snow ninjas. In another, Karin was learning medical ninjutsu, Tayuya and Kin in another room, Temari in the next room. He entered the dubbed 'planning chamber' which was protected by five Inuzuka and two Hyuga branch members. Hinata was there, a chain attached to her collar and Naruto took it. The enslaved former Hyuga heiress following obediantly like a dog. ''How goes the cyber forming?'' Naruto asked Delta who was turning Yugito Nii into a cyborg.

''Going smoothly, master.'' Delta replied. ''She'll be ready soon.''

''Good. The faster they're ready, the sooner I can make my move for power.'' Naruto said as Delta put the bits and pieces of machinery into Yugito.

''You know, master, last night the Hidden Grass was attacked. Information says that the Grass government along with a few hundred loyalists fled.'' Delta told her master.

''Well, that is an unforseen turn of events. Do we know who they are? The ones who attacked the Grass?''

''Not for the moment, my master. It's only a theory but it could be your Blackfyre relatives.''

''My far western relatives? I do not know, Delta. If they indeed are, then we can make contact with them to help me in my takeover.'' Naruto said. ''Continue working and gather information, Delta. I do hope it is the Blackfyres.''

-secret underground chamber-

Inside a secret underground chamber was Minato, Kushina and the elders. The recent overthrow of the Hidden Grass startled the ninja world, particularly the Leaf. Word reached them that the Grass leaders had fled and according to Danzo, their last hopes lied on a myth: the box of paradise. A weapon dating to the era of the sage of six path, the box was said to be capable of granting wishes. Such a thing was viewed with skepticism but it did not change the fact that the ousted Grass leaders were trying to use a weapon of the sage. Such weapons were powerful and they believed the Grass to be a big threat now.

''We cannot allow some weak leaders from a backwater village to get their hands on a weapon of the sage. Those who cannot even stop a takeover should not be in charge. Granting wishes or not, doesn't change the fact that it is a weapon capable of mass destruction.'' the elder Koharu Utatane, told those attending the meeting.

''I second this but where is the box located anyways?'' Homura Mitokado asked.

''In the blood prison.'' Danzo answered.

''Then it would take an army to breach in.'' said Homura. ''We can do it but most of our jonin and chunin are defending the border. By the time we get our forces ready, the Grass leaders might already have the weapon. We need to think of something or it will be disastrous in the future.'' Homura expressed his thoughts and got the others thinking. Eventually, it was Kushina and her spiteful mind that got an idea.

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