"What happened?" I ask him once he calmed down a bit.

Happy explains how Cana and Gildarts arrived to the guild and Cana read Lisannas cards. Lisanna didn't like the results, but she somehow got Lucy to agree to do a card reading herself which obviously she got cards that apparently represent me. 'I don't really know how that works.'

One thing lead to another and Lisanna slapped Lucy. 'That must be what made her heart spike.' Everyone was frozen shocked till red veins appeared on Lucy again. That caused me to freeze.

"What do you mean again Happy?" I question since he apparently knows it's happened before. He was hesitant, but explained what Lucy did during the war and what happened with the E.N.D book. 'Why did none of them ever tell me?' I leave that questioning till later and continue to the guild.

-At the guild-

3rd person pov:

The guild doors bursting open startled everyone in the quiet guild. Standing at the entrance was a frantic Natsu looking around the guild.

"Where is she?!" He yelled, snapping everyone from there shocked state.

"Natsu!" Lisanna exclaims running towards him to tackle him in a hug thinking he was referring to her.

Sadly for her he dodge her and continued into the guild. "Where is Lucy?!" He asked again.

Natsu's pov:

"I'm up here you idiot, there's no need to yell." I hear Lucy's voice from above me. Looking up I see her just outside Gramps office with Erza next to her and Gramps standing on the railing.

Jumping up, I grab the railing and pull myself up the rest of the way, landing next to her and tackling her in a hug. "Nat-Natsu...can't...breath." She manages to strain out so I loosen a bit my hold but don't let go.

She sighs pushing against my chest to gain more space, but the likelihood of me letting go any time soon is 0. "Can you at least move to be siting down? This floor isn't comfy." I comply, siting up and moving her to my lap, hugging her to me.

"Ooo...kay? Now that that happened, how come you are here?" Erza asks reminding me we're at the guild.

Looking towards her and Gramps I see her face red for some reason. "Happy looked for me." I don't know if I can get away with us not being mates with what I just did, but I've always been frantic about Luce safety so hopefully I can get away with it.

"Did Happy explain about the red veins?" Gramps asks.

I nod. "I don't know exactly why, but depending when exactly it happened I think I know what caused it." I say while looking down. "I'm sorry Luce, it's probably my fault." I tell her hugging her tighter and hiding my face in her neck.

"Hey it's fine, I'm fine, it didn't even hurt, I just freaked out." She reassures me while running her fingers through my hair. "But can you explain why you think that?"

"Well if it went how Happy said it did it probably because I used my demon magic. I'm sorry I didn't know it would do that." I add the last part quickly. 'I've been trying to use my dragon features since I left and my demon magic activated the same way as my dragon features. What would have happened to her if I had been able to before I marked her?! Would she have been fine or would it have hurt her like Happy said it did the first time?! I would have hurt her without knowing and maybe even killed her by Happys description.'

"Nothing happened so you don't have anything to apologize for."

Before I can say anything Lisanna appeared out of nowhere with bird wings instead of arms. "Of course he has to apologize!" She screamed confusing everyone.

'Didn't Happy say she didn't like Lucy?'

"He completely ignored me!"

The confusion in everyone's faces either turn to annoyance or embarrassment. Well everyone except me and Lucy. I was confused because i dont know what she means while Lucy was looking at her with both guilt and pity. Which also ment she was squirming to get away from me, reluctantly I let her go.

"I'm sorry, he was just worried because of what was happening. How about we just start again." Lucy suggested trying to consol Lisanna.

Lisanna beamed with a huge grin on her face while I looked towards Lucy confused. 'Restart what?' "What's the point of this? She's alive, everyone is happy she's back, I already knew, I don't see the point in restarting what ever you are even referring to?"

That earned me a glare from Lucy and a few other guild members while Happy and a few others facepalm. "Natsu!"

'Shit why do I always somehow make her mad... Tho really what did I do?'

Lucy sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose. "Restarting your meeting again after so many years apart. She has been waiting for you to come back for months the least you could have done is not ignore her."

"When did I ignore her?" That earned me a flick on my arm. "Ouch...?" 'Was that supposed to hurt?' "Seriously tho what I do? I just move when she was going to tackle me." I explain.

"I'm mated to an idiot dragon." Lucy says under her breath quietly.

"I can still hear you." I point out, but she continues as if I said nothing.

"She wasn't tackling you, she was trying to hug you. Similar to what you did to me just now." Lucy explains.

"Ohhhhh, why do I have to restart tho?" 'I still don't know even what I'm supposed to restart.'

"Just give the poor girl a hug." Lucy says sounding annoyed.

I was still confused and was going to ask more but Lisanna got tired of our conversation and tackled me while I was looking at Lucy. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face into her neck. 'Ughhhh...Lucy is the only one my sense of smell enjoyes being this close too...uh...she smell kinda like Bickslow.'

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