♡ chapter five ♡

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Can I just say, I really need to start eating breakfast in the morning. 

When lunch arrives, I'm thrilled because I need a sandwich in my stomach right. now. I follow along with the thousands of other students on their way to the cafeteria and groan when I see the lunch line, "Seriously?" 

I'm thankful when someone yanks me by my bag and pulls me in line with them, I'm even more thankful when I see its Alex. I smile, "You are the best brother ever." He chuckles. 

"I'm really hungry, so I figured since you're my twin sister you understand how I feel right now." I nod. "Alex, you're actually right for once." Alex rolls his eyes and looks forward in the line. 

"I got onto student council." I say, Alex beams and gestures for a high five. "That's amazing! Does that mean you're planning the dance?" I nod, "You better not make it lame like the one back home..." 

I groan, "I told you, I was sick that week!" I exclaim, and Alex laughs once again. Before he can say anything else someone, or two people, join us. 

Yeonjun immediately winks at me and throws his arm around me, I can see the confused look on Alex's face and get a feeling he's about to question what just happened. But thankfully, before he has the chance to even speak, Taehyun speaks up. 

"You ready for soccer practice after school Alex?" Taehyun says, Alex nods. It takes me a second before I realize and punch Alex in the arm, "You got on the team and didn't TELL ME?" I shout.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" Alex says looking over at Taehyun, Taehyun mouths 'sorry' . "I'm proud of you, you'll have so much fun!" I say. "Thanks sis." 

Alex turns towards Taehyun continuing to talk about practice as Yeonjun leads us forward in line, "How was class?" He asks, "History kicked my butt, I don't understand what Ms. Myers problem is." 

Yeonjun shakes his head, "Nobody likes her because she is from the states. I mean- WAIT! That sounded bad..." Yeonjun says trying to save himself, I let out a laugh and cover his mouth with my pointer finger. He stops talking and just looks at me. "Don't worry, Kai already told me everyone hates her because she doesn't know how to teach here. You're right Yeonjun!" I say removing my finger, he lets out a breathe and smiles down at me. 

"I heard you got into student council, how do you feel about that?" 

"Relieved! I thought since yesterday was a complete disaster at lunch that your friends wouldn't wanna be around me. But, I feel like joining student council will get me closer to Soobin and Kai." 

Yeonjun furrows his eyebrows, "Disaster? What do you mean?" 

"Well at lunch, what Beomgyu said." I shrug, "He made me feel embarrassed in front of you and-" Yeonjun removes his arm from around me and places his hands on my shoulders, "Beomgyu is the type of guy to say something like that to anyone, he doesn't like people. And as your friend, I made sure to tell him something." 

"Y- you did? Well what'd you say?" 

"That doesn't matter. The point is, he isn't going to bother you anymore. Besides, you didn't embarrass yourself in front of them, or in front of me. Okay?" Yeonjun says. 

I sigh, "Okay, I'll trust you." 


Once school is officially over I head to my locker to get a few of my things before I head home. I didn't have plans after school today so I just decided a relaxing day at home would be perfect, plus I'm supposed to call Vivian tonight which I'm excited for. 

I'm a little annoyed when I see Beomgyu leaning against my locker. He notices me right away and for once, I can actually see a slight smile on his face. I make my way over to him as he moves aside for me to get to my locker. 

"Whats the problem now? You gonna tell me Taehyun has a crush on me too?" 

"No but maybe on your brother." I look over at him as he bursts into laughter, "I'm joking! Taehyun is straighter than your hair, trust me." 

I sigh before finally getting my locker open, "Who knew Beomgyu could laugh? I sure didn't." Beomgyu rolls his eyes before getting closer to me and leaning his head against my locker door, "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry before you give me a chance at being your friend?" He says. 

"How many times are you gonna be a jerk?" I look at him. "Wow, I was only a jerk once-" 


He furrows his eyebrows, I scoff before facing him and crossing my arms in front of my chest. "When I first met you in chem, and when you called Eric my step dad." 

"Your mad because I called Eric your step dad?" He questions, I nod. "You had no right to say that, he isn't my Dad. You may think you know me Beomgyu but you don't, okay?" I say before turning back to my locker. 

He takes his head off of my locker and scoffs, "Actually I do know you Ariana. You don't wanna live here, you don't wanna live with your Mom and her new Husband which probably isn't the first new one she's had since your father. You're jealous of your brother because he's made more experiences and memories here in just two days than you have, you think being on student council is gonna change how everyone sees you when it won't. You're just Eric's new step daughter, and just Alex's sister." 

Before I get a chance to talk, Beomgyu is already making his way to the entrance of the school when my eyes start to fill with tears. Did he really just- 

"Hey Ari! I was wondering if- are you crying?" 

I turn away from Yeonjun as I feel his hands go to my waist trying to turn me towards him. I didn't want him to see me like this, but stupid Beomgyu just had to ruin things right? 

"Hey hey hey, look at me." Yeonjun says cupping my face with both of his hands making me stare right up at him, he sighs when his question is finally answered, I am crying. 

"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere." I shake my head, "No Yeonjun I just-" 

"Please? You'll love it, trust me." He says with a sparkle in his eyes. I close my eyes before agreeing. I smile when he laughs and gets all excited that I said yes. He closes my locker for me and intertwines his hand with mine as we make our way out of this place. 


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