♡ chapter two ♡

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Here we go I guess. 

I can't help but grow more nervous as the car drives closer to the school building. I see some students trying to catch up to their friends, hurrying to make it on time to class, and some clearly not excited to be there and are taking their sweet time getting to the entrance. 

The entire ride over here, Eric would not stop talking about what a great school it was. Apparently, he was extremely popular whenever he attended, so he's still a pretty big deal at the school I guess. Plus, he chaperones a lot of the school events and donates to the school which, don't tell him I said this, is kinda cool. 

And to my surprise, him and Alex share their love for soccer. He said he'd talk to the coaches to make sure they know Alex is his wife's son, Alex is really excited for tryouts. 

"What about you Ariana? What are you most excited about doing at this school?" Eric questions. 

"Well I was student council president at my old school, maybe I could join the council here." I say, my Mother smiles. 

I think she was expecting me to give a sarcastic answer, but really, I wanna make the most out of my time here. 

"That's good! Now you two have a good day, and make sure they know your my- um, just make sure they know who you are." Eric says. 

I sigh before grabbing my bag and following after Alex, but before we could even walk away from the car my Mother rolls down her window.

"I know a new school can be tough, and you two seem to be taking it very well. So after school, I wanted to take you guys out to eat, just the three of us." 

I frown, "Mom, he can come its fine." I say, her face lights up. 

"Are you sure? We haven't had time for just the three of us and I thought-" 

I place my hand on hers, "Its fine, we're gonna be late okay?" I say, she nods and says one last goodbye before her and Eric drive off. 

"You sure you're okay with Eric eating with us?" Alex asks.

I shrug, "He's part of the family now I guess, what kind of person would I be to exclude him from family dinner." 

Alex smirks and throws an arm around me before bringing me closer to him, "You just called him family." 

I scoff throwing his arm off of me and punching him in the side so he hunches forward and holds his stomach in agony, I clear my throat. 

"Hurry up now Alex, don't wanna be late on the first day." I yell back to him as I continue to walk towards the school. 

When I step into the school, I'm in complete astonishment. This school is twice the size of my school, and when you walk in there's two big staircases leading up to the second floor where the classrooms are. The cafeteria is to the left of me and is practically an entire movie theater, and the lockers are to the right. 

I grab my phone out with my schedule on it when someone bumps into me. "Sorry my bad." They say, but before I can response they're already walking away, oh well. 

I find my schedule and groan when I see English is my first class. I've never been a fan of English so this is a great way to start off my first day. 

I walk up the stairs and find my classroom, when I walk in everyone seems to already have a seat and is talking since the teacher hasn't arrived yet. 

♡ a perplex love ♡ beomgyu ffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora