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I get waken up out of my sleep and I looked over to see Anatasia still asleep. I looked at the time and it was currently 4:30 am, damn it was early.

I carefully get out of bed, making sure not to wake up Anatasia. I go downstairs and I see Angelo and a girl making out on the counter.

"Get off my damn counters, and go to a damn room" I yelled.

"What are you mad because you can't get none?" Angelo teased.

"I can get 'some' whenever I want. Now get off the damn counters, people eat on there and nobody wanna smell ass cheeks while their eating"

"My ass cheeks smell like heaven, I don't know what you're talking about" Angelo said while he pulled his pants up.

I rolled my eyes as I went into the fridge and got out the ingredients I'm using for breakfast. I wanted to make some breakfast for me and Anastasia, the rest can make it themselves.

I got done making the food and it smelled delicious. I decided to make some vegan pancakes with bananas on top, some toast with Avocados and some vegan eggs, and the other with just avocado, and also a fruit salad bowl.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turned around to see a sleepy Anatasia.

"You made breakfast?" Anastasia said as she smiled while rubbing her eyes.

"Yup just for us two, sit"

She sat down and I placed the breakfast in front of her, as soon as I placed it down she started eating like it was no tomorrow.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry," she said as she covered her mouth.

"Nah you are fine, eat as much as you want," I said chuckling.

"I want you to come to this party with me as my date," I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Yea, sure"

"Are you sure? I'm not forcing you or anything like that, you can stay here and watch a movie or something.

"Yes I am sure Enzo, your acting like you don't want me to go or something"

"I do want you to go I just wanted to make sure"

She nodded and she continued to eat her food. Once we were both done, I put the dishes in the sink since the maids will get it.

I headed to my office to complete a few of my work files. I heard a knock on my door which pissed me off since I didn't want anybody to disturb me.

"Come in" I yelled.

The door then opened slowly as Mrs. Michonne came in.

"Hi Mr. Romano, your new assistant is ready to meet you," she said.

"You can let her in" I said as I closed my laptop and put it aside.

When she walked I looked her up and down for a hot minute. Her body was sexy as fuck, and she was beautiful, but I think I got my eyes on one person, but then also I'm not in a relationship. Fuck it.

Michonne then walked out and closed the door. The girl just stood there awkwardly not saying nor doing anything.

"Sit" I said sternly and she sat down really quickly.

"So here's a few rules. One I don't want an assistant who's late. Two, tell me everything as soon as you hear it, I don't like to be the last knowing things. Three, whatever I say goes, no ifs no buts no nothing. Four, always dress professionally. And five, always be with me to events, shows, meetings and etc. Do I make myself clear?"

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