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I jump up out of my sleep as my alarm starts going off loudly making me groan into my pillow. I turned it off and checked the time and it was currently 10:56, it was enough time for me to get ready and run a few errands.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth and did my skincare, I contemplated if I wanted to make breakfast or just buy some and I think I'll buy some breakfast because I do not feel like cooking at all today.

I pick a simple outfit and wore some black leggings, a black crop top, and my pair of black and white dunks.

I grabbed my keys and my purse and headed out. I arrived at the breakfast spot and I love this spot especially because they sell vegan food. I've been studying veganism and I wanted to get more into it so I try and also make a few vegan foods here and there.

I take a seat as the waiter goes to the back and grabs my menu. The waiter then comes back and hands me my menu, I take a look at it and instantly knew what I was gonna order.

"Hi! Welcome to breakfast on the spot, are you ready to order?"

"Yup, I'll get the avocado toast that comes with a fruit bowl, the strawberry crepes, and the mango smoothie".

"Ok! I'll be right back with your order!"

I never even had avocados before, but some people say it's good, and others say it's nasty so I need to try for myself. I get a text from Naomi saying that she had to teach her pole dance class so that's why she had to leave. 

The waiter comes back with my order and I thank her as I started digging straight into my food. As I'm eating my food I get a phone call from 'Jacob' and I rolled my eyes because this food is so good. I declined the call because I don't wanna talk to him at the moment.

Jacob is my ex from last year but we sadly broke up because he didn't like that I took pole classes. I only took classes nothing further, but of course, his dumb-ass didn't believe me and broke up with me. So then I became a stripper and now his ass is trying to sneak into the club just to see me perform.

I got done eating and I left a $20 tip because the waiter was nice. I get inside my jeep and head to the mall "Lola what's next on my schedule for today?" I yelled at my Ipad "Go to the mall to pick out outfits for tonight's show and private dance" her robotic voice says.

Lola is this app I downloaded where she tells me my schedules, my notes, and my music playlist. I downloaded it because Siri always doing too damn much, acting like she can't hear. 

I arrived at the mall and I go into this luxurious lingerie store and I look through the rack of lingerie and underwear and bras. I picked out this one lingerie set for my pole dance for tonight. It was a black set that had chains on the top part and was covered in diamonds and it pushed my boobs perfectly, and for the private dance set it was a red set, with red fishnets and also it came with a long see-through fluffy robe.

I go to the register and pay for my items and head back to my car. It was now 5:23 and it was enough time for me to go home and get myself together. 

Once I arrived home I put my outfits in my bag and also I took a shower and shaved. Naomi came and picked me up and we were now talking about how tonight is gonna be the crowdest it has ever been in a while.

We arrived at the club and we went through the back way as we are not allowed to ever go through the entrance area. I sat in my seat at my vanity, turned my lights on the mirror, sat down on all my items, and grabbed my pole dance outfit.

"Ladies you have 40 minutes to get ready!" Daniel our backstage assistant yelled.

I take all my clothes off including my underwear and bra, all of us girls always change directly in front of each other because we don't mind and the changing rooms are either crowded or dirty.

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