Chapter Five

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When we arrived to Miguel's friend's black SUV, he opened the door to the backseat and guided me in, and followed me after, sitting right next to me.

A woman who looked around a few years older than me, in her early 20s, turned around and pulled down her sunglasses. Hazel brown eyes glanced between the both of us.

"What am I, your Uber?" She joked to Miguel.

"Safety precaution. She tried to jump out of my car." He shrugged.

"More like stepped out. We were at a stop light not going 60 mph on a highway." I thought.

"Ha!" She turned to me. "I'm..." She glanced at Miguel, and he gave her a look. "Well, you can call me... Lynn."

"I'm Sharon." I said, and stopped myself before I told her it was nice to meet her. It didn't feel like the correct situation to say that.

She cranked the car and started driving to a destination unknown to me. "So Miguel, how dangerous is this situation that you got me involved in?" She asked.

"Worst than I thought." He replied. "So far I've recognized the work of Jamison's men and the Anti-humans."

While I didn't know who Jamison was, I did know who the anti-humans were. They were a group that rose after superhumans were revealed. They were known to challenge superhumans and cause trouble with superhuman-related business. They'd spy and sell information related to superhumans, destroy laboratories that worked on anything related to superhumans, take on rough jobs that went after superhumans, etc.

"What? I've never even heard those two groups in the same sentence. And I thought you said she wasn't a superhuman."

"I'm not." I said. "I've been tested I don't even know how many times, even right before entering college. All negative."

"Her medical documentation verified it. She's powerless." Miguel added. "Regardless, we should be safer once we get to The Apartment now that the tracker is gone."

"I hope you're right. If not, you're gonna owe me even more." Lynn replied.

It got silent for a few moments. I became aware of Miguel's closeness, his shoulder, arm, and thighs sitting against mine. His skin was warm compared to the cool air coming out of the car's AC. Through the car smell, I could sense the shampoo from the motel on him. When I glanced at him, I couldn't help but noticing the shadow of his long eyelashes over his freckled skin. It felt weird to look so closely at a face that wasn't even his, though. I turned my head to look out the window.

"Any music recommendations?" Lynn asked, breaking the few moments of silence.

I shook my head. "Whatever you like, Lynn." Miguel responded.

"Gotcha." She turned up the volume to some kind of folk song and continued driving, humming to the music.

I continued to look out the window. It was nice to not be running or feel like my life is in danger for once. It gave me time to think, to try to come to terms with what is happening. But once the tears started to swell in my eyes, I had to try to think of something else. I missed my family, my life, and as far as I knew there was a possibility that I might never go back to it. I couldn't let that happen, I had to figure out how to fix everything. I had to find out why these people were hunting me and fix it. But how could I do that and escape at the same time? What was I supposed to do?

I felt Miguel lean in towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I turned to him and made eye contact. We were too close, but I leaned in. Avoiding his question, I asked, "who are you working for again?"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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