Chapter Four

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I opened my eyes to see the stained ceiling of the motel room. The sun was shining through the window onto my face. I was still in the skirt and T-shirt from yesterday, and I felt gross from the oil and sweat on my skin. I sat up and looked around the room, I didn't see Miguel, but I saw the light through under the door of the closed bathroom door.

I looked around and saw a pile of snacks on the dresser in front of the small flat-screened TV. I stood up and walked up and grabbed a bag of mini muffins and started snacking. They were especially delicious, probably because I was starving.

Miguel walked out the bathroom, a different look from last night, with different clothing. I looked at him in shock for a second when I saw his long wet hair wavy and pale freckled skin, not recognizing him at first.

"It's me." He said, noticing my second of confusion. "Miguel."

I nodded in recognition, feeling foolish that I doubted for a second after knowing his powers.

He nodded his head toward a pile of clothes and a towel on top of the dresser. "You should go shower as well."

I agreed, and took the clothing to the room. The shower felt incredible, and almost relaxed me. The hot water washed away the dirt, blood, and grime that was building over me. Some part of it I just stood there, thinking about my situation, praying for an escape, trying to come up with ideas, and missing my family. Some other parts included me trying to calm myself, and of my examining my bruises and scrapes.

Eventually, I was out of the shower, and put on the clothes laid out for me. The jogger shorts were slightly big, but fit good enough after I tightened and tied the waist string. The shirt was another oversized T-shirt, this one a sand color. I dried my hair with the blow drier enough that it wasn't dripping, and walked out. I drew Miguel's eyes as I grabbed a brush sitting on the nightstand and started fixing my hair.

"So... my friend will be here in about an hour." He said. "They'll take us to a safe house location where I can get another car and we can be on our way again. But by that time, if not earlier, your face will be on the news. We are going to have to stay hidden even more now."

"I was thinking about that earlier." I said. "The only person I told about the date was my friend. She probably checked on me and I didn't respond, which will put her on edge. I wouldn't be surprised if at this point someone will file a missing persons report on me very soon."

He nodded.

"Maybe it would be better with the police." I thought. But I thought about that earlier as well, and didn't know if they'd believe me if I said powerful forces were at play. And since it seemed like the people going after me were in fact, powerful, I didn't know how much protection I could get. But if they knew that a super-human was involved, maybe they would give real protection and treat it seriously.

"At the moment at the gas station I chose to stay with Miguel, which may have been the best decision at the time, but is it still?" I also didn't want Miguel to hurt any police agents either.

"If I have the opportunity, and they find me, I should go with them. But if it is my safest option, I should stay with Miguel in the meantime." Was what I decided.

I sat on the bed beside Miguel. "So, you can trust this person? Your friend?"

"Yes," He replied. "We've known each other for a long time. She's helped me out with a lot of different... assignments."

"She?" I ended up saying before stopping. I blushed, it shouldn't have mattered what gender his friend was, yet I asked anyway.

The spot between his eyebrows creased as a slightly confused expression crossed his face. "Yeah, a woman. What about it?"

"Oh, nothing, sorry." I turned away in embarrassment. It wasn't the time to question about his love life, not that it even was a love life, a man and a woman can simply be friends or... coworkers? Besides, there was no reason for me being nosy about it. I shouldn't be interested in the guy who tricked and kidnapped me or whatever.

It was quiet for a moment. "So yesterday... you almost stab me... then you help me? Did you change you're mind?"

I swallowed. "You saved my life... again. And maybe you are right... you are my best option, for now, at least."

He nodded. "I know that the people I'm working for want you alive, which should at least say something."

"Being tortured.. or... sold... there are worse things than death." I said, looking at my hands, my eyes watering. It wouldn't make sense for this to be a human trafficking scheme, since that wouldn't explain a superhuman's involvement or people trying to kill me, but the possibility of torture could still exist.

Through brainstorming, I thought of a few reasons that this could be happening:

1. I know something I shouldn't. But I couldn't think of anything I know that would be harmful.

2. I'm dangerous and should be eliminated or used. But I was just an average 19 year old girl, haunted by the constant feeling of being weaker than my male peers and anyone who could hurt me.

3. I have something someone wants. But that's a very loose idea, and what would it be?

4. Someone is very upset with me. I didn't know any powerful people.

I pretty much had no idea why this was going on, and it was terrifying. What kept me going was knowing I had to fight to survive, using whoever I could, trusting my instinct and making decisions on what would keep me alive the best.

"The people I'm bringing you to... they aren't the most violent type. I've never heard of them torturing anyone. I mean, they've done sketchy things for sure... but not that."

I lifted an eyebrow. "Comforting."

He pressed his lips together and looked down. It was like he was trying to comfort me instead of just convincing me to stay. Or maybe he was defending his actions to himself. I was so scared of being manipulated by him, and knew it would be foolish to trust him.

But why did he seem so genuine? In this moment where he put down his guard, talked to me instead of laser focusing on his mission, he seemed true. In his body language, in his voice, in his words. I've seen manipulators, his actions didn't seem practiced or like theatre.

Silence hung between us. I pushed myself to ask a hard question, but I wanted to know.

"If they asked you to kill me, would you?"

Suddenly, his uncertain facial expression went away and was replaced with his usual neutral and stern face. It was like what I asked woke him, and he was no longer vulnerable.

He stood up from the bed and started packing all the stuff in his bag. I felt a feeling of confusion, concern, and fear rise in my body.

"Would he have? Did I upset him?"

But then he paused, his back towards me. I watched as his posture shifted as he breathed. "No." He said lowly in a rough voice. He offered no explanation this time.

I was within a moment of speechlessness when his phone rang. He answered it, said something, and hung up.

He turned around facing me. "She's here, let's go."

I got up quickly and let him guide me through the door to meet my new friend.

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