✨️~ Aftermath ~✨️

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The other ninjas help the civilians to get on the Bounty as i just stare at them from afar. My friends glance over me once a time and either smile or wave at me.

I hear footsteps coming my way from behind me. I look over my shoulder, only to see a long white beared man walking to me.

''Hello Moki.'' He says.

''Greetings Wu.'' I respond back.

I take a quick glance at what he has in his hands, which is a kettle and a small cup.

He places the cup down next to me, filling it up with hot water as steams evaporates in the air. He tosses the kettle aside and takes out a small transparent bag with some crumbled leaves inside of it.

He opens the sachet and pours the substance in the boiling water. Wu gestures at me to take the cup.

''I managed to find small leftovers to a special tea that i had in reserve. It should help heal your wounds faster.'' He explains softly.

''Oh thank you, Sensei!'' I tell him.

I grab the cup, nearly making it fall because of its heated temperature that transmits on the porcelin of the cup.

''It has more chance to work if you drink it now.'' He adds.

The thing is that the tea is boiling like hell. I stare at him with a questioning face as he slowly nods, signaling me to do it. I gulp nervously before taking a sip, almost spilling it out due to its burning temperature. I swallow, my tongue and insides now in flames as i gasp for fresh air.

I repeat that process every little now and then. My stomach burning as if the fires of hell are currently inside of me.

I finish the cup and place it next to me, clenching my stomach as i breathe heavily for cold oxygen.

''Good, the healing process should start in an hour or two.'' Sensei states.

''Are there any side effects?'' I quizz him.

''You may feel weird sensations and a stinging pain near your wounds. That's when you'll know that it is working. It won't heal completely, but it'll surely help you a lot. In some months, your injuries should be fine.'' He informs me.

''Great, thank you, Sensei.'' I say sweetly.


I am in a fetus position on my bed, alone in my room. I changed into more comfortable clothes and took the opportunity to check the bandage on my back. It isn't that bad, honestly, but there's still a small smudge of blood. It's almost have been two hours since i drank the tea, and i can feel the effects, and it is not pleasant.

You know the stinging pain Wu was talking about? Yeah, i can feel this everywhere.

The weird sensations he told me about? Yeah, i feel like my heart is being twisted, and a feeling of throwing up completes my throat and inside of my ribs.

My moment of suffering ends as i hear knocking on my door.

''Who is it?'' I interrogate, lifting my head up to see my door slide to the side.

''Heyyyyy.'' Raven says, leaning ahainst my door.

I see their face turn into a confused one.

''Why are you positioned like that?'' They question.

''I am suffering at the moment.'' I reply.

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