💥~ Encounter ~💥

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I take a deep breath, tightening my grip.

''Are you alright?'' Nya notices.

''Yeah.. Yeah.'' I respond. Looking next to me to see her. I give the water ninja a slight smile, which she happily returns.

''We're here!'' Lloyd yells.

We arrive at the spot. It looked like an abandoned building. Its bricks were covered by vines, its windows were broken. We make our dragons disappear and walk to the front door.

''Well, this seems like a totally safe place.'' Jay says sarcastically. I look over the broken glass. All i can see is dark and some dust orbs flying around.

''I don't see anything. It's just pitch black.'' I inform.

''Let's just go in and check this out. I'll be the source of light.'' Kai adds, lighting his fist on fire.

''Should we just have a few people going in?'' Lloyd questions.

''Aren't we supposed to go in all together since it's an emergency?'' Zane states.

''Let's just go all in.'' Nya sneers.

I open the door gently and take a few steps. The red ninja's fire immediately lit up the room. There isn't much to see, only that there's another room connected. We approach it, my head feeling heavier and heavier. I put the palm of my hand on my forehead, groaning at the sudden pain.

''Are you okay?'' Cole asks, walking up in front of me.

''My head just hurts, i'll survive that.'' I grin at him. ''But it isn't a good sign.'' My smile quickly fades away.

''Hey! Look at what we just found!'' My brother shouts. The others were looking down, standing around something. Cole and i turn to him and start to make our way to them. I glance at the side, only to see someone peeking out a wall.

''Guys!-'' I yell but instantly got cut off by it, who threw a black energy ball at me. Which launches me into a wall and then makes me fall on the ground. I grunt at the pain. I look up only to see Onyx, walking up to me. I start to raise my hand, ready to attack.

''Don't.'' The figure says. ''I'm not here to fight you. I just want to offer you something. Let's just skip all the pointless talk, i would like you to join us.'' I stop at the word 'us'. ''Listen, with your power combined with mine, we could be the most dangerous beings in Ninjago.''

''Your power? Don't forget that you got created by mine.'' I retort.

''Still, we could both take over this City. We could make it into our image. You are as powerful as your father. You are just like him. He would be proud if you took over this place.'' It imagines. I frown, my insides boiling of anger.

''I will never be like my so-called 'father'.'' I reply and kick Onyx's leg. Making it fall and screech loudly.  I take the opportunity to stand up,
i see the others sprint to us. ''Took you all long enough.'' I add, rolling my eyes.

''We're sor-,'' Lloyd mutters.

My focus goes back to the figure, who's now crawling to the exit. It looks back at me and smirks. Onyx turns into a purple light that makes it stand up. The shadow starts to rush out of the building. I follow it, dashing, ignoring the others' warnings. I hear their footsteps behind me, so i guess they are chasing me. I keep my eyes on the dark silhouette who enters a black fog. I run in the dark cloud but lose the track of Onyx. I look at my surroundings, realizing that i am now alone. I slowly walk back, feeling somehow stronger? After some time, i arrive outside the cloud. I feel someone wrap their arms around me.

''Oh my, you are okay!'' Cole shouts. I hug him back.

''Yeah, Onyx got away, but why did you all stop to follow me?'' I ask, letting go of the embrace.

''The oxygen in this cloud wasn't even breathable!'' Jay exclaims. I raise an eyebrow at them.

''What do you mean? The air was just fine.'' I question.

''We just took a step in, and we were already choking our lungs out.'' Kai responds.

''Looks like this oxygen doesn't affect you.'' Nya states.

''Could it be because of her elemental power?'' Cole interrogates.

''According to my analysis, the shadow was created by Moki's energy. So, it would most likely have similar power to her. This cloud is something that this Onyx person created. In consequence, this cloud would be only breathable by people who are mastering Dark Magic.'' Zane informs, leaving all of us with wide eyes. His statement did make sense.

''You're a Nindroid, ain't you able to go in there without dying by the lack of oxygen?'' I quizz.

''I should be, but for some reason, this cloud must have a magic spell that scraps my wires, making me unable to get into that fog.'' He replies.

''I think we should get going. The fog is getting closer!'' My brother yells.

''As long as we are higher than the cloud, i think we should be fine.'' Lloyd says. They all create their elemental dragons and hop on.

''We should evacuate the citizens! We can't take any risks. At this pace, the cloud will invade the city faster than we can even think.'' Kai responds. I look back at the cloud and hesitate.

''Earth to Moki! Are you coming?'' Nya exclaims. I turn to look at her and nod. I make my elemental dragon appear and quickly hop on.

''Let's go now! Get the Bounty!'' I shout. My dragon bents over a little bit, scretching its wings and flies in the air.

''Let's split and try to get as many people as we can.'' Lloyd suggests.

''I'll take the Bounty and reach out to yall as fast as i can.'' I affirm.


I turn the rudder and park the flying ship next to a rooftop. Kai and Cole escort a group of adults and children. They join the deck where other people are standing akwardly.

''That's the most we can do. We can't have any more people on the Bounty.'' Jay mutters next to me. I tighten my grip, frowning. ''I can tell something is bothering you. Do you mind talking about it?''

''What do you think happened to the people in the cloud?'' I ask. I feel him rest his hand on my shoulder.

''We can't know for sure. Maybe it's the same thing as last time?'' He replies. I stare at him with doubt.

''Maybe.'' I say, my gaze going back in front of me. I could feel his eyes soften and his eyebrows frown. We stay in silence for a good minute.

''Moki, may we have a discussion?'' Wu interrupts.

''Yes, Sensei. Hey brother, can you take the rudder for me?'' I respond.




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