Teach me to Flirt (mattwoong)

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Description; Matthew gets taught how to flirt


"Matthew hyung, do you have someone that you like?"

Matthew nearly choked on his late night snack as he stared into Gyuvin and Yujin's mischievous faces. "W-w-where did that come from?" He stuttered, ears red as he stared the two boys down. Yujin and Gyuvin just flopped on the bed even harder as they shrugged.

Matthew narrowed his eyes. "Spit it out. There's no way you guys are still awake and ruining my personal time for nothing," he said as he glanced at the clock. Nearly midnight, and these two were asking him silly questions when all he wanted was to eat and sleep in peace.

Yujin pouted as he climbed further on the bed. "We're bored," he and Gyuvin said at the same time as Matthew smiled slightly. He couldn't ignore their puppy eyes.

"Is that so? Well then sleeping might be a good idea!" Matthew said angelically as Gyuvin groaned. "But hyung, we need gossip!"

"Everyone's so dry these days," Yujin said as Gyuvin patted Matthew repeatedly. Matthew sighed as he put down his snack. "I don't have a crush." He said as a matter of fact as they stared at him strangely.

"Hyung, are you sure?" Yujin asked skeptically as Matthew nodded and shut it down. "What about Jiwoong hyung?"

Matthew paused as he glanced over to his roommates bed, seeing Zhang Hao perched up on his bed and listening intently. "What about him? And Hao Hyung, you should go back to sleep," Matthew mumbled as he felt his face getting hot. The heat. It was awfully hot during winters these days.

Zhang Hao got out of his blankets and went to join the three boys on the bed, causing Matthew to internally throw away any chances of peace. "Yeah what hyung just said. What do you think about Jiwoong hyung?" Gyuvin asked as he batted his eyes obnoxiously.

"I think he's cool. He's very attractive." Matthew said as he thought about it. Jiwoong was very attractive indeed. So attractive that he'd make Matthew's heart pound whilst looking at him. "And he takes care of me very well."

Jiwoong would always be on the hunt to occupy Matthew's personal space- not that he minded. His hands would always be on Matthew, and he would always stare at him with those deep eyes. Jiwoong was like an Angel for Matthew, one that made sure he was well fed and-

"-Gives me lots of love" Yujin finished as Matthew whipped up to him, covering his mouth. "Yes you said that all out loud," Zhang Hao laughed as Matthew gasped.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, Jiwoong hyung also thinks you're very cu-" Yujin said as Zhang hao slipped a hand over his mouth. "We can't ruin the fun," he hissed as Gyuvin nodded to Matthew.

"How does being next to Jiwoong hyung feel?" He asked Matthew as Matthew tilted his head. "I guess it's always very calming next to him. And I love spending time with him. And for some reason my heart aches when I see him close with other people. And these butterflies always appear at the wrong..."

Matthew trailed off as realisation dawned into him. Zhang Hao smirked at him as Matthew realised.

"Holy shi- I think I have a crush on Jiwoon hyung," Matthew bit out as he internally screamed. After all, how could someone not like a handsome man who took care of you effortlessly.

"Great! Now that you know, what's the plan?" Zhang Hao asked mischievously, exchanging evil eye contact with his members.

"Hao hyung! Everyone! Can you teach me how to flirt?"

Gyuvin choked as he stared at Matthew's pleading face. Zhang Hao's smile grew even wider as Yujin felt the boredom starting to dissipate. The three glanced at each other, knowing full well that their eldest member would love anything that Matthew did.

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